Kamis, 27 November 2014

Ukraine's President Says Country Opposes Federalization. Most Russians Believe Their Soldiers Are Not Fighting In Ukraine

Pro-Russian separatists pose at a checkpoint near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine November 20, 2014. Reuters

Ukraine Conflict Update: Ukrainians Oppose Federalization While Russians Support Kremlin -- IBTimes

Authorities in Kiev said Thursday a federal state is not an option, just as opinion polls in Russia indicated most citizens believe Kremlin statements Russia is not involved in the Ukraine conflict -- but would support the decision if it did happen.

The news comes on the same day Ukraine's lawmakers voted to keep pro-Western Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in place, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said 100 percent of Ukrainians opposed the idea of federalization, fighting against advice Ukraine adopt a federal form of government that would give its individual regions more authority. Ukrainian officials say it’s merely a method of making its eastern regions more vulnerable to Russian influence.

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My Comment: In regards to the Russian poll on most Russians believing that their soldiers are not fighting in Ukraine .... among my family, friends, people I use to work with, associates, and friends of friends .... for a total of a few hundred .... everyone knows that there are Russian soldiers in Ukraine. So this claim that most do not believe that Russian soldiers are fighting .... I am skeptical.

It is unfortunate that Ukrainian President Poroshenko is saying that 100 percent of Ukrainians opposed the idea of federalization .... because again .... among my family, friends, people I use to work with, associates, and friends of friends .... on this issue it is split. It is also split along sectarian lines .... many Russian Ukrainians want a federal system and it is a proposal  that I have been pushing for a long time(I live in Canada now and so it is a Canadian federal system that I am proposing) , and among my Ukrainian nationalist friends .... most are lukewarm but there is a growing acceptance that the current political system is not sustainable, especially if one wants to bring peace to the east.

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