Rabu, 26 November 2014

Riots And Unrest Spread In America

Riot-Hit Ferguson Sees Second Night of Unrest -- VOA

The Midwestern U.S. town of Ferguson faced a second night of unrest and solidarity demonstrations were held nationwide to protest a grand jury's decision to not indict a white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager.

More than 2,000 National Guard soldiers have been deployed in Ferguson, Missouri to guard against fresh racially charged riots, which broke out late Monday after it was announced that charges would not be filed against officer Darren Wilson.

Forty-four people were arrested during a second, calmer night of demonstrations in Ferguson.

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More News On The Ferguson Riots

National Guard, police curb Ferguson unrest as protests swell across U.S. -- Reuters
Ferguson: Protesters torch cars but fewer arrests, fewer incidents -- CNN
Guard Reinforcements Contain Damage in Ferguson -- AP
Protesters return to riot-scarred Ferguson streets -- AP
Ferguson Protesters in Tense Confrontation With Police, National Guard -- NBC
'A much better night': At least 44 arrested on second, calmer night of Ferguson protests -- New York Daily News
Two FBI agents have been shot in St. Louis during a siege at a residential home close to protests -- Daily Mail

My Comment: I do not live (and I have never lived) in the U.S. .... but I am old enough to remember reading and seeing news stories from decades ago when U.S. race relations and rioting was far worse. But what is different this time around is that when President Obama was elected in 2008 there was a great of deal of hope .... especially for many members of the white community who supported him .... that U.S. race relations were on the mend .... and the future was one of improving relations. But this has clearly happened .... not even close .... and the result has been a great deal of disappointment. For the black community .... when I look at the stats of growing impoverishment and dependency on government for help .... the disappointment must be even more profound. As for the international community .... many see this as a symbol of America's decline ... and I am willing to bet that many of America's enemies are going to take advantage of this situation as the U.S. focuses on restoring order and putting its own house in order rather than Iraq's, Afghanistan's, Syria, Ukraine, etc., etc., etc..

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