Kamis, 27 November 2014

Iraq's Governor Of Mosul: Taking Back Mosul From The Islamic State Will Be 'Easy'

Mosul Governor: Liberating City Will Not Need Big Battle -- Rudaw

Taking Mosul back from the Islamic State (ISIS) should not be too hard, the chosen governor of Iraq’s second city said in an interview with Rudaw. Atheel Nujaifi had to flee when the radical Islamic group invaded in June. He says he is getting ready to return, with military forces working in and outside Mosul toward that end, and Americans helping to train them. The killing of the ISIS governor in an American air raid was one step in that process. Nujaifi says that the ISIS coalition in Mosul has crumbled since the religious fanatics murdered members of the groups that had helped its few hundred fighters invade and take power, over four months ago. But whilst military action will not take too long, to win back the minds and hearts will take years. To beat back the influence of the extremists, education and work is needed, Nujaifi says.

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My Comment: Dan Lamothe's post from the Washington Post .... The future Battle of Mosul will be ‘easy,’ Iraqi governor says. No, really. .... explains accurately why this battle is NOT going to be easy.

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