Kamis, 27 November 2014

Editor's Note

Update Thursday, 6:00 EST: WOW!!!!! You know that you are suffering from jet lag and a bad cold when you crash into bed and sleep for almost 20 hours. Fortunately .... I feel much better this morning. I am going to take it easy for the next few days, but I will blog when I can.

 Update Wednesday, 8:30 EST: Still under the weather. Will blog until I can.

Tuesday 15:00 EST: Battling a very bad cold right now. I have been traveling a lot in the past few weeks .... and I guess everything is catching up to me right now. Blogging was difficult today (between the sniffles, coughs, and feeling drowsy) .... so I am taking a break tonight. Hope that I will feel much better tomorrow.

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