Jumat, 21 November 2014

Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev: Putin Sees Himself As 'Second Only To God

Vladimir Putin was in Brisbane for the G20 summit, where he experienced a series of diplomatic snubs from Western leaders following fresh reports of Russian troops pouring into eastern Ukraine

Putin Sees Himself As 'Second Only To God': Gorbachev Blasts Russian President For His 'Big Head' As It Emerges Kremlin Leader Was In Furious Four Hour Bust-Up With Angela Merkel -- Daily Mail

* Gorbachev criticised Putin as he launched his book 'After the Kremlin'
* He warned him not to get a big head because 'that is what ruined me'
* But he also praised Putin saying he worked 'in the interest of the majority'
* Putin and Merkel met for private talks at the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane
* Meeting seemed to indicate worsening relations for Germany and Russia
* Merkel insists she wants to keep dialogue open between the two countries

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has blasted Vladimir Putin for getting big headed and seeing himself as God's deputy, complaining that the Kremlin leader now never consults him.

The 83-year-old father of glasnost declared: 'He has started picking up the same illness which I suffered from earlier - self-confidence.

'He thinks he is second only to God, but I don't know in charge of what really.'

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My Comment: No one listens to Mikhail Gorbachev in Russia anymore .... but the news that there was a big "blow-out" between Putin and Merkel is news .... and when I think about it ....  not surprising when one considers what is happening in Ukraine and how it is impacting the seuciruty and economic situation in eastern Europe.

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