Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Saturday Headlines

Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger

With Western pressure growing on Bashar Assad over the latest massacres of defenseless women and children in Syria, Iranian officials again are warning the world against any action against the Middle East dictator.

The pro-Assad “resistance” has its finger on the trigger and the aggressors will not survive the conflict, a senior commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brig. Gen. Massoud Jazaeri, told Mashregh, a media outlet run by the Guards. Iranian officials often refer to Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon as the resistance front.

Mashregh reported in March that Iran’s armed forces had formed a joint war room that included officers from Syria, Iran and Hezbollah for a coordinated military response to an attack on Syria.

...the head of Iran’s Basij militia made clear that Iran will not tolerate the fall of Assad.

The mullahs ruling Iran, based on centuries-old hadiths, believe that an attack on Syria and Iran and an ensuing counterattack on Israel will trigger the coming of “Mahdi,” the Shiites’ 12th imam and the last Islamic messiah. Both those events are looking increasingly likely as Assad continues to murder his own people and Iran continues its quest for nuclear weapons.

And below we see a shocking development:

Western diplomat: "It should by now be clear to everyone that Iran is not negotiating in good faith."

You don't say...Who would have guessed?

The UN nuclear watchdog and Iran failed at talks on Friday to unblock a probe into suspected atom bomb research by the Islamic state, a setback dimming any chances for success in higher-level negotiations between Iran and major powers later this month.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, using unusually pointed language, said no progress had been made in the talks aimed at sealing a deal on resuming the IAEA's long-stalled investigation, and it described the outcome as "disappointing."

The lack of result may heighten Western suspicions that Iran is seeking to drag out the two sets of talks to buy time for its uranium enrichment program, without backing down in the face of international demands that it suspend its sensitive work.
"The lack of progress at the talks today casts a shadow on the upcoming Moscow talks," said US proliferation expert David Albright. "Iran appears once again to be choosing stonewalling over transparency and confrontation over negotiations."

Recall the scriptures which indicate that Jerusalem will be the focus of the world's attention in the last days:

Members of the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation met inWashington, D.C., this week and called on the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, CBN News reported.

Several Jewish and Christian leaders, as well as pro-Israel lawmakers, attended the group's Jerusalem Day celebration on Capitol Hill, which took place on Wednesday.

Representative Allen West (R-FL) asserted that, "Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the Jewish people, and it should stay that way."

"It should always be unified under one simple flag, that star of David, because that is David's city,” he said.

The unusual phenomenon in the sky above Israel, which hundreds took for a UFO, could be connected with the test launch of Russia’s intercontinental ballistic missile Topol. The missile was launched from Kapustin Yar test ground in Russia’s Astrakhan region.

“The object looked like a small body that suddenly started growing and performing spiral-like movements,” Igal Petel, the director of the observatory in the center of Israel told Ynet. “A bit later, the object turned into a cloud. It all looked as if the object was flying high above the ground and then fell apart,” she added.

If it goes about a part of the Russian Topol – one may assume that the Israelis could observe a stage of the ballistic missile. Its warhead hit the target on Sary-Shagan range ground in Kazakhstan, Russian defense officials said.

Astronomers confirmed the journalists’ supposition that said that the mysterious light in the sky could occur as a result of the launch of a ballistic missile.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas warned on Friday that he may seek non-member status for a Palestinian state at the United Nations if peace talks with Israel do not resume, The Associated Pressreported

The PA currently has observer status at the UN and an upgrade by the General Assembly to “non-member” would give Palestine recognition as a “state”. This could open the way for PA Arabs to take legal action against Israelis through the International Criminal Court

Speaking at a news conference with French President Francois Hollande in Paris, Abbas said, “We went to the Security Council. We did not obtain the vote necessary. If we don’t return to the (peace) negotiations, we’ll of course go to the General Assembly to obtain the status of non-member state, as is the case for the Vatican or Switzerland.”

Abbas has continued to demand that Israel accept the indefensible pre-1967 lines as final borders, release all Arab terrorists from its jails, and halt construction in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem for a second time before talks begin.

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