Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

IRAN: There Will Be War

At least they are telling the truth.

Iran: There Will Be War - And We'll Win

Just days after the breakdown of talks with the West over Iran’s nuclear program, the deputy chief commander of the Revolutionary Guards announced that there soon will be war – and that Allah will ensure his forces are victorious.

Gen. Hossein Salami, in a televised interview, boasted that, “Iran has complete control of all the enemy’s interests around the world and is on a path to reach equivalency with world powers.” The commander emphasized that Iran’s nuclear program is irreversible, the Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

Salami said war is inevitable, and the Iranian forces are ready.

Guards’ commanders have stated previously that all U.S. bases in the region are targeted with missiles and will be attacked should America strike Iran.

The Revolutionary Guards have more than 1,000 ballistic missiles capable of reaching all U.S. bases in the region, all of Israel and some capitals in Europe. In collaboration with China and North Korea, they are also working on intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In another sign that the Iranian officials expect war, Iran’s supreme leader Wednesday urged all factions of the regime, political and military, to unite and remain steadfast in defense of Islam in confronting the “arrogant powers.”

In a stunning segment broadcast on CNBC, numerous analysts and the host himself admitted that the people of the world are simply slaves to the central bankers, a fact the alternative media has exposed for years.

“I think that right now, the question is do we all work for central bankers, is this global governance at last, is it one word, the central bankers in charge?”

Aren’t we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?

“We are absolutely slaves to the central banks.”

The host even went as far as to admit that the major problem facing the world today is the fiat currency and the continued devaluation of the dollar:

“Fiat Currency that’s continually watered down, they continue to water our currency down so the markets go up and we feel good about it.”

The guests and host went on to agree that QE3 is on the horizon.

This article underscores the fact that the EU is in the process of undergoing big changes. As we await and watch for the emergence of the "10 kings" phase of EU development, any big changes are of great interest to a prophecy watcher.
First, we observe with great concern the birth of a two-level solidarity within the Union: one for those inside and the other for those outside the eurozone.

But the sovereign debt and banking crisis affect all EU countries, not just the Euro-17.

Second, we now see double standards and macroeconomic conditions being applied to the EU member states: large and small countries, eurozone members and countries outside the zone are treated differently.

Third, the phenomenon of a two-speed Europe not only becomes a fact of increasing likelihood, but it is is more and more politically acknowledged and approved.

How in this situation can we measure the collateral, political damage to the European project? What is the cost of shrinking Europe or the cost of a half-Europe?

Economically we have to measure it in the hundreds of billions of euros. Politically, it is a threat to the integrity of the construction of Europe, adherence to which was a beacon of light in the dark time of Communism in Poland, and which has let Europe itself enjoy decades of security and prosperity after World War II.

The world has yet to see a form of the deadly bird flu virus that could spread easily between people and cause a global outbreak - but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen, scientists said on Thursday.

After studying 15 years of data on bird flu viruses in the wild, researchers said some strains were already part way along the road to acquiring a handful of mutations needed to change into a form that could cause a devastating human pandemic.

“The remaining... mutations could evolve in a single human host, making a virus evolving in nature a potentially serious threat,” Derek Smith of Britain’s University of Cambridge, who led the research, told reporters.

Until now, scientists were not sure whether it was possible these same mutations could evolve in nature.
But Smith’s co-researcher Colin Russell said their study, published on Thursday in the journal Science, showed it was.
“Viruses that have two of these mutations are already common in birds, meaning that there are viruses that might have to acquire only three additional mutations in a human to become airborne transmissible,” he told reporters.
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