Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Israel: "All Options" Open After Failed Talks

This is predictable, but worth watching:

Israel responded on Wednesday to a lack of progress in talks aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear program by demanding that the West impose stiffer economic sanctions on Tehran and hinting anew that a military option was still on the table.

Mofaz, a former defense minister and military chief, said that in addition to economic steps there was a need "to continue to prepare all other options", an oblique suggestion that a military attack to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapon remained a possible course of action.

...no further political talks have been agreed, and some experts have said the risk of war will increase unless diplomacy is renewed.

Below we see a summary of the current state of affairs in the Middle East. Note the multiple parallels to biblical prophecy:

When, after the end of World War Two, the extent of Nazi Germany’s systematic extermination of the 6 million Jews of Europe became horribly apparent, including the slaughter of 1.5 million babies and children, there arose the cry: “Never Again.”

It was assumed that a unique horror of such magnitude must never again occur in the world. The Holocaust resulted in one third of the world’s Jewish population being systematically murdered - perpetrated as it was by millions of Adolf Hitler’s obedient and willing executioners using all the tools of the central state and of perverted science. But the cataclysmic lesson of that genocide has been shamefully ignored.

Of immense concern should be Assad’s warehouses in which are stored Syria’s weapons of mass destruction consisting of thousands of missiles tipped with Sarin and Mustard gas and God knows what other hellish ingredients.

In the present internecine conflict that is tearing Syria apart, these missiles – some already in silos – may well fall into the hands of a host of Islamic terrorist groups - including Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood - fighting inside the country. If they do, a Pandora’s Box will open and the entire world will lurch further into a nightmare scenario almost unbearable to contemplate.

And behind the ethnic cleansing, the massacres, and the butchery of thousands of civilians, lies the dread hand of Iran, with its fanatical Mullahocracy and its evil clown president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ever spinning their web of terror and fear.

Russian navy ships are sailing to Syria, ostensibly to protect Russian citizens and its naval base there. They will be visiting Russia’s last foothold and base in the Mediterranean; the Syrian seaport of Tartus.

Meanwhile Russia is also providing sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons that could shoot down NATO planes if they are ever used in the conflict.

Russia may well have decided, therefore, to arm Syria with weapons capable of shooting down any such U.S and other aircraft flying under the NATO shield.

Thus Syria has received the BUK-M2, which is a medium-range Russian missile system capable of hitting enemy aircraft and cruise missiles at ranges of up to 50 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 25 kilometers.

Apart from one of the largest arsenals of chemical weapons in the world, Syria has an enormous stockpile of missiles, aircraft, tanks and every conceivable weapons system - all supplied by Russia.

And if Assad is pushed to the wall, he has already threatened that he will strike out in unpredictable ways, which may well include unleashing the thousands of missiles in his own stockpiles at neighboring Israel. Naked and unprovoked aggression against Israel always wins support in the Arab and Muslim world.

Iran may well order its surrogate, Hezbollah, to also fire their thousands of rockets (estimated at 60,000) from Lebanon at the Jewish state. The resulting bloody conflict will likely spill out of control and envelop the entire region – a dark and hateful place where the one thing that unites the Arab and Muslim horde is its fanatical dream of wiping out the embattled Jewish state and murdering yet another 6 million Jews.

Adding to the sidelining of the United States is a new report which, according to the semi-official Iranian Fars News Agency, claims that Russia and China, along with Iran, plan to hold a military exercise in Syria with 90,000 personnel, 400 aircraft and 900 tanks taking part.

Thanks to the amateur foreign and defense policies of President Barak Hussein Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the United States will have little control, if any, of the situation - a new low for America. Meanwhile, massacres, ethnic cleansing and all the horrors mankind inflicts upon itself continues apace.

It seems that “Never Again” is now “Again and Again.”

Recent satellite imagery reveals that Iran has been persisting in its efforts to scrub clean any evidence of high explosive experiments in the Parchin military complex, according to areport released Wednesday by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS).

The report noted that the tests Iran is suspected of trying to conceal are “pertinent to the manufacturing of nuclear weapons.”

The images were said to contain evidence of earth-moving machinery near a demolished building suspected of having contained a high explosive testing chamber. Roads that previously led to several of the site’s buildings were no longer visible “due to machinery traffic or earth removal,” the report said.

Inside the besieged Syrian city of Homs, where hundreds of civilians are caught up in a fierce battle between rebels and government troops, a small group of Christians is making its own desperate pleas for safety.

Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Syria's population, say they are particularly vulnerable to the violence sweeping the country of 22 million people. They are fearful that Syria will become another Iraq, with Christians caught in the crossfire between rival Islamic groups.

Several mediators have made an urgent appeal to evacuate the Christians who they fear could be targeted for their religion. Syrian Christians don't have to look far for an example of brutal treatment. Hundreds of thousands of Christians fled Iraq after their community and others were repeatedly targeted by extremist militants in the chaotic years after Saddam Hussein's 2003 ouster.

Speaking of persecution:

For the past seven years Pastor Terry Sartain has ministered to police officers and their families in Charlotte, N.C. Whenever the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. invited him to deliver an invocation, he prayed in “the name of Jesus.”

But not anymore.

Volunteer chaplains in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. will no longer be allowed to invoke the name of Jesus in prayers at public events held on government property.

Major John Diggs, who oversees the chaplain program, told television station WSOC that the policy is a “matter of respecting that people may have different faiths and that it is not aimed at any one religion or denomination.”

“I was told chaplains can no longer invoke the name of Jesus on government property,” Sartain said. “(He said) if I could refrain from that during the invocation he would appreciate that.”

Sartain said he was surprised by the telephone call. The pastor said he’s prayed “consistently” in the name of Jesus at past police department events without any issues.

“I’m very sad about it,” he said. “I’m a pastor and Jesus is the only thing I have to offer to bless people – his life and his person.”

U.S. Catholic leaders, claiming religious liberty is under assault from the Obama administration, are launching two weeks of non-stop nationwide teaching, preaching and public events to press their cause.

Rhetoric is already hot. At one lead-up rally in Missouri, Anthony Gerber, 31, an associate pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church, raised theoretical questions to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "Where will the hubris stop? Will they mandate that women take contraception? Will they mandate that men be sterilized? Will they mandate that families only have one child, like they do in Communist China? And like in China, will this government mandate the church be quiet about it?"

Russian-American relations are at a dead end. Talks between Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Los Cabos proved this beyond any doubt. There has been no shift in either side's positions on Syria, U.S. plans to deploy a ballistic missile defense system in Poland and Romania, as well as on the so-called Sergei Magnitsky Law, which Congress looks set to adopt.

Putin doesn’t like the United States – this is a well-known fact. He also seems to dislike Obama personally and makes no effort to hide this.

Ramallah-born Mosab Hassan Yousef has made enough enemies in the Palestinian territories to last a lifetime. The eldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the founders of Hamas, spent his early years as a Hamas activist and went through more than a few stints in Israeli prison.

Two years ago, Yousef – who now lives in the US – publishedthe book Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue and Unthinkable Choices, in which he detailed his disillusionment with the violence inside Hamas and his decision to assist Israel from around 1996 to 2006.

Now 34, Yousef is a devout Christian who is open about hisfaith as well as his pessimism for the future of peace in the Middle East.

Now, he is taking on an even bigger challenge: a movie depicting the life ofMuhammad, Islam’s holiest prophet.

"Muslims don’t understand the real nature of Islam,” said Yousef, who said it is a fanatical religion that favors war over peace. He cited the Arab Spring’s failure to create meaningful change and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as proof that Islam is propelling Arab states backward rather than forward.

Yousef noted that he has the authority to criticize Islam because he comes from an Islamic background. He said he wants the world to know about what he says is “the truth” about Muhammad, Islam’s holiest prophet: that he glorified and encouraged murder as a form of worship, married a 9- year-old bride and valued violence.

Yousef said the film would be a historical depiction of Muhammad’s life as told through Ibn Ishaq, an Arab historian from the eighth century who is believed to be one of the most reliable biographers of the prophet. Feuer said the movie has already interested sponsors and a major screenwriter who is in the process of creating the script.

Yousef added that he wants to free the world of “the absolute power of all religions,” starting with Islam. “It is time to bring Allah to the table and see [Islam] for what it is,” he said.

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