Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

IAF Strikes Gaza

IAF Strikes 3 Terror Bases In Gaza As Rocket Fire Continues

The Israel Air Force struck three Palestinian terror bases in the Gaza Strip early Saturday morning after Palestinians continued firing rockets into Israel. Palestinian media reported that between 17 and 21 people were wounded in the strike- the third of its kind in recent hours, which altogether have also resulted in the deaths of at least two terrorists

The IDF Spokesman's Unit stated that aircraft registered direct hits on the three targets - two of which are in northern Gaza and one of which is in the South.

Just prior to the attack, Palestinians fired another rocket into Israel, bringing the total to seven in recent hours. The rocket landed in the Eshkol Regional Council area, failing to cause damage or injury.

More than 130 rockets have been fired into the South from Gaza since Monday, prompting Israel on Thursday to lodge an official complaint with the United Nations.

Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor complained to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that “the lives of about a million Israelis are paralyzed” by the projectiles.

Prosor stated that “as long as Israel’s southern communities will not know quiet, it will not be quiet in Gaza.”

Syria shot down a Turkish warplane over the Mediterranean on Friday and Ankara warned it would respond decisively to the incident that threatened a newinternational dimension to the 16-month revolt against Syrian

"As a result of information obtained from the evaluation of our concerned institutions and from within the joint search and rescue operations with Syria, it is understood that our plane was brought down by Syria," Erdogan's office said in a statement.

"Turkey will present its final stance after the incident has been fully brought to light and decisively take the necessary steps," the office said after a two-hour emergency meeting between prime minister, the chief of general staff, the defense, interior and foreign ministers, the head of national intelligence and the commander of the air force.

Below we see a general update of the situation in Syria:

Violence raged on unabated inside Syria, which appears to be sliding towards a sectarian-tinged civil war pitting majority Sunni Muslims against Assad's minority Alawite sect.

Ankara, which had drawn close to Syria before the uprising against Assad, turned against the Syrian leader when he responded violently to pro-democracy protests inspired by popular upheavals elsewhere in the Arab world. Turkey now gives refuge to the rebel Free Syrian Army on its frontier with Syria.

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