Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

In the news:

Once again we see a massive number of dead fish washing up on the shore, this time in Japan:

An entire port town in Japan has been left reeking of dead fish after nearly 200 tons of stinky sardines washed up on its shore.

The massive shoal started washing up at the fishing port of Ohara, on Japan's west-facing North Pacific Ocean coast, on June 3 and quickly turned the sea red.

Since then the bizarre phenomenon gone has rapidly got out of control.

There are now so many dead fish that locals in the town in Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture, are having to truck the rotting remains to landfills. And yet still more dead sardines keep washing up on shore.

Reports suggested that locals are not only finding the sight disturbing, but the huge amount of dead fish has created a smell that's becoming unbearable.

'Already, more than two full days into the bizarre occurrence, the smell has to be almost unbearable, but the people of Ohara still have no idea when they will be able to get rid of all the sardines.

Thirty years after the outbreak of the first Lebanon war, soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces' Givati Brigade are training to fight in the same conditions that Givati troops faced during that war.

If Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi became president, Egypt’s new capital will no more be Cairo, but the new capital will be Jerusalem, a prominent Egyptian cleric said at a presidential campaign rally, which was aired by an Egyptian private TV channel.

“Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem with God’s will. Our chants shall be: ‘millions of martyrs will march towards Jerusalem’,” prominent cleric Safwat Hagazy said, according to the video aired by Egypt’s religious Annas TV on Tuesday.

“The United States of the Arabs will be restored on the hands of that man [Mursi] and his supporters. The capital of the [Muslim] Caliphate will be Jerusalem with God’s will,” Hegazy said, as the crowds cheered, waving the Egyptian flags along with the flags of the Islamist Hamas group, which rules the Gaza Strip.

“Yes, we will either pray in Jerusalem or we will be martyred there,” Hegazy said.

Hegazy’s speech came during a presidential campaign rally at the Egyptian Delta city of Mahalla, where Mursi attended along with the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badei and members of the group and its political wing the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).

Mursi will challenge Egypt’s former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq in the election run-off, scheduled on June 16 and 17. Shafiq, an air force general, was the country’s last prime minister before former president Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down by a popular uprising in February 2011.

On the heels of Fed Chairman Bernanke’s comments, Spain being downgraded and key meetings taking place in Europe, today King World News interviewed MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage, to get his take on the ongoing crisis. Farage told KWN that “when I look into the eyes of the leaders of Europe ... what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter madness.” Farage also discussed the action in the gold market, but first, here is what Farage had to say about the deteriorating situation in Europe: “Of course, over the last couple of years we’ve had two bailouts of Greece, a bailout of Ireland, Portugal. We’re now on the verge of needing a bailout in Cyprus, but perhaps more significantly, a bailout in Spain.”

If one looks globally, we’ve got people like David Cameron, and importantly, President Obama, who are basically saying, ‘The euro project must be saved. It must be saved at all costs.’ ....

“For that to happen the Eurozone has to turn into a state, and a state that effectively has a Fed.

Farage also added: “All I can tell you is when I look into the eyes of the leaders of Europe, and as a leader of a group in the European Parliament I do get eyeball to eyeball with them, when I look into the eyes of these people, frankly what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter madness.

Actually that statement could apply to the entire world right now, at this time in history:

"...madness, absolute, total and utter madness" - exactly what we would expect as we enter the Tribulation era. Thankfully, we have a far far better fate that awaits us.

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