Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Nuclear Talks With Iran Over. Now What?

Nuclear Talks Between Iran And World Suspended

High-level nuclear talks in Russia between Iran and six world powers have been suspended after no agreement reached.

The EU's top foreign policy official said on Tuesday that high-level nuclear talks in Russia between Iran and six world powers have been suspended, The Associated Pressreported.

The talks were hosted by the EU's top foreign policy official, Catherine Ashton, who said she will be in touch with top Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili after the July 4 experts' meeting in Istanbul to decide on when or whether to resume the talks.

And re-entry into this endless circle. All while Iran continues the race towards a nuclear weapon.

Ashton spoke Tuesday after two days of talks made little progress in defusing international fears that Iran might turn its nuclear program to making weapons.

An astonishing grasp of the blatantly obvious.

AP quoted diplomats as having said the negotiations remained deadlocked going into Tuesday, despite pleas from the presidents of the U.S. and Russia for Iran to agree to curb nuclear activities.

Iran said on Tuesday the onus was on its six negotiating partners — the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany — to make the first move and agree to Tehran's demands. A member of the Iranian delegation told AP that if the six powers accept Iran's conditions "there will be a big progress in a short period of time.”

The talks in Moscow followed a bruising session in Baghdad in May that failed to make any noticeable progress beyond agreeing a date for more talks.

One aspect in all of this. If Israel was uncertain before this (odds are Israel has had this figured out long ago) - then they certainly know by now that any so-called "talks" are to no avail.

So what does that mean?

According to PM Netanyahu, Israel now has only one option - and that option is to take out these nuclear facilities by force. This is now abundantly clear.

Any such action will most definitely ignite the powder-keg, leading to the well known battles described in Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39. It looks like we are weeks or a few months from this sequence of events.

It would seem to a prophecy watcher that our time is growing short on planet earth.

Maranatha! We know what that means don't we?

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