Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

In The News:

Just A Reminder: Iran Still Closing In On The Bomb

Remember what Stuxnet was for: making centrifuges shut down. And it apparently did manage to make a number of centrifuges shut down. But it hasn’t slowed uranium enrichment. One more time: it hasn’t slowed uranium enrichment. It may at most have slowed the rate of acceleration in uranium enrichment. Stuxnet has had its day, and it didn’t put a significant crimp in Iran’s progress.

No reason to take our eyes off the ball here. Iran continues to make progress toward nuclear weapons, and attempt to throw the wool over Western eyes. It seems to be working. How often do you hear from the MSM about Iran’s progress, as opposed to what President Obama is doing about the problem?

The “Flame” virus whose existence was revealed last week is 20 times bigger than Stuxnet and was aimed at stealing Iranian-Russian blueprints, presumably of nuclear facilities.

“Stuxnet was really unique because of its size, and this [Flame] is about 20 times bigger than Stuxnet,” Symantec official Kevin Haley, quoted by CNN, said at a cyber conference inWashington.

Computer analysts have almost unanimously agreed that an unidentified nation launched the Flame virus.

“Researchers said that technical evidence suggests it was built on behalf of the same nation or nations that commissioned the Stuxnet worm that attacked Iran's nuclear program in 2010,” the Indian newspaper reported.

Recent events, such as slower growth in the U.S. and China, show “there is some evidence that the turmoil in Europe is actually starting to affect growth in some meaningful way in the rest of the world,” said Douglas Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets.

The deteriorating state of Europe’s debt crisis has renewed a sense of urgency among global leaders, as markets around the world continue to recoil from the threat of a financial contagion.

Group of Seven finance ministers and central bankers were to hold talks early Tuesday morning, with concerns growing that the capital-stretched financial system in Spain — the latest casualty in the region — could buckle, possibly causing a run on banks that could spread through Europe and beyond.

Eurozone Debt Crisis Could Spark Bear Market In U.S., Goldman Sachs Warns

Despite Spain’s financial woes and a banking system feared to be on the verge of collapse, the country’s IBEX 35 index finished up 2.9pc. Investors were buoyed by hopes that the eurozone might move towards greater centralised control of national budgets in the single currency bloc, after comments by Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, at the weekend. The CAC 40 in France rose 0.1pc.

Fears that Spain’s banks are on the verge of disaster have sent Spanish bond yields soaring to 6.5 per cent, only slightly below the 7-per-cent level that triggered the bailouts of Greece, Ireland and Portugal in 2010 and 2011.

The deepening banking crisis on the euro zone’s Mediterranean frontier has European Union and national finance ministers scrambling for a solution, for fear that a run on the banks will plunge Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy into financial chaos, destabilizing the entire region.

This is a lengthy article, and well worth reading. Below we see quotes from the beginning and the end of this piece:

But instead of gaining a mighty reputation for his philanthropy, or his investment prowess, Soros is reviled abroad and criticized here in his adopted country. Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investing have gone, trouble has followed. He’s helped foment revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world. Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary. His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.

Imagine if someone had read George Orwell’s “1984” and then tried to make it happen. That’s what Soros has done, only with another, equally awful look into the future.

Soros has spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding a “Brave New World” for Americans and even he admits it won’t turn out well.

My, how things have changed over the past decade. I can recall, not too many years ago, when giving presentations on biblical prophecy feeling a bit self-conscious about presenting information on the push for a global government. Today, such discussions are common:

...a sophisticated and extremely well-financed movement to advance global governance has taken root in most Western countries

Insisting on using the UN as a conduit for enacting international protocols and regulations — almost all of which would override national legislation — globalists use international environmental accords, humanitarian law, and international treaties as vehicles to advance an agenda that is becoming increasingly aggressive and unwilling to brook opposition.

This well-financed campaign designed to strip sovereign governments of their ability to regulate and monitor human rights and environmental protection has naturally put the globalist agenda on a collision course with constitutional democracy. Put simply, transnationalists in the UN and the European Union — and more importantly, among America’s elites — are using the demands for a global rule of law to make American constitutional law subservient to a global authority. In many respects, they are succeeding.

To examine how this is happening and what the consequences might be for the United States and other Western nations, theAmerican Freedom Alliance has convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles titled “Global Governance vs. National Sovereignty: Is It the West’s Next Great Ideological War?

Drawing upon an international list of speakers and panelistswith representatives from Australia, Central Europe, the UK, and France, the conference will cover the full range of issuesregarding the global governance movement’s assault on national sovereignty: the politicization of international law, the uses and abuses of “lawfare,” and the role of non–governmental organizations as purveyors of global rule.

In this, there is an important lesson for the modern world: In a brutal time, we are lost when we don’t respond immediately to obvious threats as soon as they appear. The global governance movement is one of those threats we ignore at our peril.

History usually repeats itself, and if you have lived two lives, as I have done, you have a good chance of seeing that re-enactment with your own eyes. In 1978, I paid with two death sentences from my native Romania for helping her people rid themselves of their Marxist dictatorship, carefully disguised as socialism. Thirty years later I witnessed how the same Marxism, camouflaged as socialism, began infecting the shores of my adoptive country, the United States, which had just won a 44-year Cold War against Marxism and against its earthly incarnation, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

That new alliance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party was a first in the history of the United States, the world’s headquarters of democracy and free enterprise. In November 2008, over 65 million Americans who were unable to identify the stealth virus of Marxism that was infecting the Democratic Party voted to give this party the White House and both chambers of Congress.

Although we now live in an age of technology, we still do not have an instrument that can scientifically measure to what extent the Communist endorsement of the Democratic Party influenced the results of the 2008 election. But if there had been any doubt in my mind that the Democratic and the Communist parties had secretly joined forces, that doubt was erased in 2009, when Van Jones, part of a left fringe of declared communists, became the White House’s green jobs czar.

Soon after that, the White House and the Democrat-controlled Congress began dutifuly following in Marx’s footsteps by redistributing our country’s wealth and putting under government control a part of its health care, banking system, and automobile industry.

In his Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx urged his followers to replace capitalism with communism via a “socialist redistribution of wealth,” which “should displace capitalism and precede communism.” Marx advocated ten “despotic inroads on the rights of property,” and he called them the ten planks of communism. The most important are:

  • A progressive or graduated income tax;
  • Abolition of rights of inheritance;
  • Centralization of credit in the hands of the state;
  • Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state;
  • Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
  • If you know the Manifesto, you will think Marx himself wrote the Democratic Party’s 2012 electoral campaign, which contains all of the above planks of Marxism. If you don’t know the Manifesto, click here and you’ll get it from the horse’s mouth.

The bottom line?
American essayist George Santayana, an immigrant like me, used to say that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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