Selasa, 19 April 2011

The Coming "PA STATE": The Deadline Looms

We have more news on this international movement to force Israel into acceptance of a "Palestinian State" whether they want it or not.

Report: Quartet may formally recognize Palestinian state if peace talks not renewed

American and European diplomats warned that if peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are not renewed, the Quartet of Mideast peace makers may formally recognize a Palestinian state, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday.

They might as well, the rest of the world is agreeing to this.

The Israelis and Palestinians have agreed to Obama's target date of September 2011 for an agreement, but negotiations collapsed weeks after they restarted last September because Israel ended its moratorium on settlement construction.

The Palestinians have launched their own initiative aimed at gaining recognition of independent statehood at the UN General Assembly in September.

Israel under pressure to offer peace plan

Reporting from Jerusalem— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under mounting pressure to unveil a new plan for solving the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict or risk having the U.S. and international community move ahead with a strategy of their own.

The statement above pretty much says it all.

Israel won some breathing space with the postponement last week of a meeting of international powers in Berlin, but American and European diplomats are continuing to prod Netanyahu to lay out his vision for restarting peace talks and ending the occupation of the West Bank. If he does not, diplomats warned, the so-called Mideast quartet — the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations — may attempt to jump-start the process by formally endorsing, for the first time, the creation of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Unbelievable. Really.

Just imagine. What if the UN and the "Quartet" suddenly decided that the U.S. should give southern California, Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico because that land was considered as belonging to Mexico, and we could either come up with a plan to do so, or the UN would mandate such a move. Just some food for thought.

President Obama has said he wants to welcome a Palestinian state into the U.N. in September. Not coincidentally, that's also when the Palestinians are promising to take their statehood bid to the U.N. General Assembly, which most predict will approve it.

Palestinian leaders are nonetheless increasingly confident that their September statehood strategy is gaining steam. At an international donors conference in Brussels last week to aid the Palestinians, a U.N. report was released that praised Palestinian Authority institutions dealing with finance, law, education and infrastructure as being ready for statehood

Israel staunchly opposes U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state, saying the Palestinians are trying to avoid the difficult decisions that should be made at the negotiating table.

Israeli analysts say Netanyahu's alternative plan, if he announces one, would need to be ambitious and detailed enough to rival the Palestinians' initiative. U.S. and European officials are pushing Netanyahu to formally embrace using the 1967 borders as a basis for talks, as some of his predecessors have done, and agree to East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.

More on this topic:

'Quartet may recognize Palestinian state'

Foreign diplomats warn that if Netanyahu fails to present new peace plan soon, superpowers may officially endorse Palestinian state in 1967 border, with east Jerusalem as its capital

American and European diplomats warned that if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fails to present a new peace initiative soon, the Quartet may be compelled to recognize a Palestinian State in the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday.

If the prime minister does not deliver, the Quartet members – which include the United State, Russia, The European Union and the United Nations – may opt to resume the peace process by officially endorsing a Palestinian state.

Palestinian UN diplomat: Palestinians prefer peace treaty with Israel by September

Riyad Mansour, the top Palestinian diplomat at the United Nations, said the Palestinians prefer to have a peace treaty with Israel by September, the month when the Palestinians plan on taking their case for an independent state to the floor of the UN.

First, Israel and the Palestinians agreed on President Barack Obama's target of September 2011 for a peace agreement, a date endorsed by the European Union and much of the world. Second, the two-year program to build the infrastructure of a Palestinian state will be complete, and third, the Palestinians hope two-thirds of the 192 UN member states will have recognized Palestine as an independent state, Mansour said.

'Quartet may support Palestinian state along 1967 borders'

This is coming and its coming soon.

Prophecy watching in the Middle East is going to become even more interesting between now and September as we watch God's prophetic scriptures come alive - even more so than now, if thats possible (and we know it is).

Stay tuned, what we are witnessing now is truly the beginning of the end.

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