Rabu, 06 April 2011

Passover's Gift: The Promised and Undivided Land

There are two excellent commentaries today from Canada Free Press - and both are well worth reading:

Passover's Gift

Millions, perhaps billions, of the world’s population do not know the meaning of the towering festival of freedom and liberty known as Passover; a festival recognizing an event that has blessed the world for some 3,300 years.

The festival begins on April 18th of this year and always on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan. Jews and Christians know from the Bible the story of the Exodus and of the salvation of the Jewish people from centuries of slavery under the Egyptian pharaohs: This creation and deliverance of an entire nation.

Such a seminal event in humanity’s history became the foundation for freedom and liberty

The long suffering Jews under Egyptian bondage were led to freedom by the Jewish prophet, Moses, who brought them to their own very special and promised Land of Israel.

Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is the first of the Jewish holidays and festivals, coinciding with the coming of the Spring in the Jewish people’s ancestral, biblical and native land: the land given by God in an everlasting Covenant to the Jewish people; a land extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and including Gilead (the possession of the tribes of Manasseh, Gad and Reuben) east of the river, in the present day Arab state of Jordan.

That's past history. What about this current generation? How is the current generation treating the Nation of Israel?

But there is an evil in men’s hearts, and it is a profound evil, for those who hate and envy this Jewish gift to humanity and its message of freedom, liberty and foundational democracy.

They have chosen since time immemorial to rise up to destroy all that it stands for and persecute those – the Jews – who received it from God and who have shared it with all humanity.

We all know about the Holocaust, but history contains many many additional examples of the evil lurking in man's heart and as always, directed against the Nation of Israel:

Let me recount what Mary Antin wrote in 1911about the horrors inflicted upon the Jews in Russia as they celebrated the festival of liberty in the Exodus story during the festive Seder meal. Ms. Antin wrote of what routinely took place at Passover and of how Russian neighbors reminded the Jews that for them it was another Egypt:

“… in Russian cities and even more in country districts, where Jewish families lived scattered, the stupid peasants would hear lies about the Jews, fill themselves with vodka, and set out to kill their Jewish neighbors.
“They attacked them with knives and clubs and scythes and axes, killed them or tortured them and burned their houses. This was called a pogrom.

“Jews who escaped the pogroms came with wounds on them and horrible, horrible, stories of little babies torn limb from limb before their mother’s eyes. Only to hear these things made one sob and sob and choke with pain.
“People who saw such things never smiled any more, no matter how long they lived and sometimes their hair turned white in a day and others went insane.”

Is this example that much different that what we see today?

Just recently, a family in the Jewish Israeli village of Itamar, in biblical and ancestral Samaria, was slaughtered by Arab Muslims whose tracks led back to a nearby Arab settlement. The members of the Fogel family were sleeping in their tiny home on the Sabbath when a Palestinian murderer entered and knifed to death the father, mother, and three children, including a little baby girl only three months old.

Mary Antin spoke about unspeakable horrors inflicted on Jewish families in Russia; atrocities which had been repeated time after time throughout Europe and the Islamic world for 2,000 years or so.

The following paragraph really characterizes the state of affairs in today's world:

What nation would accept such Arab and Muslim barbarity and withstand so many Palestinian crimes against its civilian Jewish population – and still hope for peace? What nation would continue, despite the rain of thousands of missiles launched from Hamas occupied Gaza upon Israeli women and children, to hold out the hand of peace to a people who display such cruelty and human rights abuses? What nation, after seeing the horror in the Fogel home, would still harbor hopes of a peaceful Palestinian state living side by side with Israel? What people would still entertain the insanity of dividing up the tiny land under the fatal rubric of a “two-state-solution?”

Just a couple of more quotes from this highly germane article (and yes, its worth reading in its entirety):

As Passover approaches, again there are insistent reports that Hamas, the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood that occupies the Gaza Strip and ceaselessly calls for the extermination of the Jewish state, plans new atrocities against the embattled people of Israel during the Passover. Remember the words: In every generation.

So we approach the Passover festival, which brings light and blessings to all humanity but which also brings the maniacal threats of genocide against the Jewish people by those who would unleash unutterable terror and who, like the evil Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, spew hideous ravings and shameless libels against the ever suffering Jews.

And it would not go amiss to remind the increasingly Godless European Union of Passover’s gift to the Jewish people: The promised and undivided land.

Oh, and by the way, for centuries Jews have uttered a prayer at the conclusion of the Passover meal. In Hebrew it is L’Shanah HaBa’ah B’Yerushalayim. In English it means, “Next year may we be in Jerusalem,” the 3,000 year old eternal capital of the Jewish people.

But in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century the world, through the hateful two-state-solution, is forcing Jerusalem to again be divided by a wall of concrete and Arab hate. Those who call themselves Palestinians demand the eastern half of the city and the ancient Jewish prayer at Passover may become a bitter and tragic joke.

Worshipers will be forced into saying, “Next year in West Jerusalem.”

In a related article, we see this:

A Revolting Middle East Policy

In the last three months we played a role in overthrowing nearly every Middle Eastern government we were allied with—that wasn’t supporting terrorism.

We pushed out Ben Ali in Tunisia, but let the Saudis move tanks into Bahrain. Egypt’s Mubarak was a monster who had to go, but Syria’s Assad is a reformer. Now Yemen’s Saleh who let us hunt terrorists in his country is on our hit list, but the Qatari royal family which is linked to Al-Qaeda and finances Al-Jazeera are our best friends. Gaddafi who cut a deal to give up his nukes got bombed, Iran which is pushing hard for a nuclear bomb has clear skies.

Middle Eastern leaders who support and finance terrorists got a pass, but our own allies in the War on Terror got creamed.

Iran, Syria and the Gulf Arab states who are responsible for most of the terrorism against us have nothing to worry about. Saleh and Mubarak who aided the War on Terror got shown the door.

This is the sad reality - however, we must assume its part of God's overall plan in these last days. There is come comfort to be gained from that fact.

The ‘revolutions’ have targeted North Africa. Half of North Africa has either has either been wholly or partly overthrown. Morocco and Algeria are the sole holdouts. If the Brotherhood takes Egypt then they won’t be holding out for long. And then there will be a Caliphate within striking distance of Southern Europe.

Not to mention the fact that northern Africa will be part of the "Gog-MaGog" coalition who will attack Israel. Probably sooner rather than later, as the saying goes.

We're already seeing the vast changes in the region due to Egypt's turmoil alone:

El Baradei is vowing war with Israel. Mahmoud Salem, aka Sandmonkey, the favorite Egyptian activist of so many neo-conservative bloggers, is encouraging Egyptians to support El Baradei over Amr Moussa, by tweeting that Amr Moussa is a Yankee-Zionist puppet and El Baradei is the only man Israel is afraid of.

Baradei is the darling of the same pundits and politicians who denounce nationalist Israeli candidates as extremists. Yet no Israeli party runs on a platform of war with Egypt.

The Middle East is a region that is JUST on the brink.

On the brink of what?

On the brink of finally reaching a tipping point - a tipping point which will lead to the last wars in the region - and at least one war in which God will reveal Himself when Israel sits on the brink of destruction - surrounded by a massive coalition of invaders who are sworn to destroy the tiny country.

We have some BIG events pending in the Middle East, and we watch and wait for these events to transpire - as the build-up continues.

It could be any day now. And when it begins, the remaining prophetic events will cascade rapidly and will roll out exactly as described in the prophetic scriptures - scriptures which have also revealed that the "gathering up" of the bride will occur.

Our time is almost upon us - its time to prepare to meet with Jesus.

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