Kamis, 14 April 2011

"PA State" in September? Will the U.S. Abandon Israel?

Genesis 12:3 keeps coming to mind; you know, that scripture in which God definitively states that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. And related to that, is God's judgment of those nations who attempt to divide Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3). These scriptures need to be kept in mind as we read the articles below:

Obama to recognize Palestinian state with 1967 borders in UN vote

A reported willingness by the White House to vote for the creation of a Palestinian state in the UN signals unprecedented trust issues with Netanyahu’s government and will likely exacerbate US-Israeli relations.

One of the newspaper’s head commentators, Nahum Barnea, stated that “senior” US officials attribute the president’s latest stance to “the revolutions storming the Arab world.”

This coupled with resentment at Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu for failing to take genuine steps towards a settlement with the Palestinians reportedly inspired the president to adopt his latest position.

Barnea expects relations between Washington and Tel Aviv to head down a rather dangerous road, wherein “a US approval for the declaration of a Palestinian state would cause confusion and extreme embarrassment for Israel.”

Israeli security sources reportedly stated that “a UN decision to recognise a state of Palestine would turn the Jewish settlers in the West Bank into outlaws” with regard to international law. Nevertheless, the presence of the Israeli army in the West Bank has been and will continue to be considered a breach of UN resolutions.

And we see related articles which confirm the ideas above:

Palestinian State in September? This would be a Terrible Mistake

As international support builds for the Palestinians to unilaterally declare their own state at the U.N. General Assembly opening session in September, I am growing increasingly concerned the President Obama is preparing to endorse such a move and even push for it.

Bible prophecy makes it clear that in the last days the nations of the world will divide up the land of Israel. But the Scriptures are also crystal clear that the nations will face the judgment of Almighty God for doing so.

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat ["the Lord judges"]. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.” (Book of Joel 3:1-2).

Let the nations be warned by the God of Israel: they are on a dangerous and disastrous road. Let us pray they turn around before it is too late

One could wish the clear warning of the Bible would be enough to dissuade the President from dividing the land of Israel. I am not sure it will. Perhaps sheer politics will help. A new poll shows that 51% of Americans oppose a unilateral declaration, and only 31% supporting one. Nevertheless, the President and his senior advisors don’t seem to be listening to the Lord, or the people on this one.

PA Says US Needs to Move Fast on 'Peace Plan'

The United States needs to hasten its plan to revive Middle East talks before the Palestinian Authority moves to seek recognition as a state, a spokesman for PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday.

"It's time for the American administration to move before September," Reuters quoted spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah as saying.

The statement follows closely on the heels of today's PA request to Western officials for $5 billion dollars to launch a state with.

Taken together, the two moves indicate that the PA is practicing brinkmanship, in effect saying "hold us back" and warning the US that if it does not browbeat Israel into making concessions, it will plow ahead with the plan to declare a PA state unilaterally

This summer promises to be very interesting, September in particular.

Egypt will have their elections, presumably placing the Muslim Brotherhood in control.

The arms build-up in both Lebanon, Syria and Gaza is undeniably happening for the purpose of invading Israel.

Iran's leadership, including Ahmadinejad is promising the imminent return of the Mahdi, and to see this, war needs to be taking place in and around Israel.

And perhaps more importantly, September is the deadline to have created a "PA State" with Israel's cooperation, and if not, then such a state - including new Israeli borders - will be forcibly imposed by the UN.

Any of these factors could easily serve as the tipping point.

We are headed into uncharted waters this summer. Things are getting very interesting for the prophecy watcher as we await the coming of the only true Messiah - Christ Jesus.

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