Rabu, 20 April 2011

In the news:

Assad's bloody crackdown on protest threatens a tipover into sectarian war

President Bashar Assad, while abrogating Syria's detested 48-year old emergency laws Tuesday, April 19, immediately replaced them with new draconian measures banning any kind of public protest against his regime and permitting midnight arrests. His bloody showdown with widening circles of protesters is in its final act, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report, and threatens to explode into a sectarian war.

...military sources report that the decision to deploy the army for cracking down on the protests racing from city to city is a final act of despair because the troops and their officers' loyalty to the president is far from assured.

Second massive Southland fish die-off has scientists looking for links

Marine officials were trying to determine Tuesday what caused thousands of sardines to turn up dead in Ventura Harbor, the second mass fish die-off in local marinas in as many months.

Roughly 6 tons of the small silvery fish were found floating in the harbor early Monday.

The scene in Ventura Harbor — crews churning up the water with aerators and volunteers scooping nets full of fish up from the surface — was reminiscent of the cleanup effort in Redondo Beach six weeks ago when officials discovered a thick blanket of dead sardines coating King Harbor.

Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration to place itself at the forefront of an independent Gulf campaign for cutting down the Islamic Republic's drive for a nuclear bomb and its expansionist meddling in Arab countries, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report.

Abdullah said he could not forgive the Americans for throwing former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the wolves in Cairo and for the unrest they were promoting against Arab regimes.

Saudi Arabia was therefore determined to lead the Gulf region on the road to a confrontation with Iran – up to and including military action if necessary – to defend the oil emirates against Iranian conspiracies in the pursuit of which the king accused US-led diplomacy of giving Tehran a clear field.

The End Of An Empire And The Beginning Of A Depression

Right now the U.S. government is over 14 trillion dollars in debt. Our debt is increasing by over 2 million dollars every single minute.

Our politicians are running up the national credit card as if there will never be any consequences.

But a very serious day of reckoning is coming, and when it arrives the rest of the world is not going to be in the mood to help us.

So how big is a trillion dollars?

Well, if you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent a million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent a trillion dollars by now.

Caroline Glick on Video: Speech on Capitol Hill

This video is most definitely worth watching, on an otherwise relatively slow news day.

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