Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Iran: Behind the Scenes...Again

Once again, almost anywhere you look, at least as far as the Middle East and any turmoil - you will find Iran lurking:

The Truth About Iran's Support of Arab Terrorists

On April 15, 2011, a prominent news story described Iran’s support for Syria’s draconian crackdown on protestors. The story focused on Iran’s widespread meddling in the region, but it missed the key point: Shia Iran’s closest ally in the Middle East is Sunni Syria. Iran deals freely with Sunni Muslims and Sunni countries when it’s in its interest to do so.

None of this is surprising given that ninety percent of all Muslims in the world are Sunni. Iran has long realized that if it is to be the dominant power in the predominantly Sunni Middle East, it is simply in its interest to actively cooperate with Sunnis when such cooperation serves its purposes.

And so, for years, one of the key aspects of Iran’s foreign policy has been to undermine the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East by supporting Sunni terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Indeed. And lets not forget Iran's ultimate goal: The complete destruction of Israel and hastening the return of the long awaited Mahdi. This is an interesting article worth reading, but below we see the bottom line:

Whether in the 9/11 attacks on America, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the smuggling of jihadis into Iraq through Syria and the smuggling of advanced weaponry into Gaza for Hamas, the looming Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt, or al-Qaeda and the global jihad movement, Iran is involved.

As this evidence amply shows, at the strategic level, there is no ideological or religious barrier to Sunni-Shia cooperation. In fact, Iran provides crucial support to many Sunni entities. Any denial of this cooperation, whether out of ignorance or political expediency, puts America at a distinct disadvantage, preventing us from understanding Iran’s strategic regional goals and the true nature of the international Salafi-jihadi movement.

And this:

Iran seeks to boost ties with Egypt

Iran hopes that Egypt will make a "bold step" and restore diplomatic relations between the two countries, after a 30-year break, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said Saturday.

Salehi, who was quoted by Iran's state-run IRNA News Agency, added that the Islamic Republic was "ready to raise the level of our relations with Egypt and we hope that the Egyptian officials, taking into account our oral and written exchanges, will take this courageous step."

The Iranian diplomat said he was sure that "Egyptian officials will be able to overcome the pressure," as he phrased it, by the United States and Israel against the normalization of Egypt-Iran relations

The Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi, on his part, said Cairo was ready to "turn over a new leaf" in its relations with Tehran, "Provided that (relationships) are based on mutual respect, state sovereignty and noninterference in internal affairs in any manner whatsoever."

Meanwhile, Iran and Egypt have reportedly inked the first agreement since the latter's change in government.

We are watching as Iran's influence in the Middle East continues to spread.

Connecting these dots is pretty easy.

If, as we believe, we see the first war take place - as described in Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 - which appears to involve Israel's "immediate" enemies (Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt etc.), its easy to see how Iran could precipitate such conflict by their pushing the buttons and creating a "proxy war". Then, we see the "big one" - Gog-MaGog, as described in Ezekiel 38-39, directly involving Iran (among others), as the first war wouldn't have completed the job of destroying Israel.

The interesting aspect of this is - Iran has made no effort to hide their intentions. While "the nations", and the MSM turn a blind eye to this important and "public" aspect of Iran's intentions, Iran continues with their plans to destroy Israel.

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