Selasa, 05 April 2011

Headlines for a day

ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza

Former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who had previously announced his intetions to run for the presidency of Egypt, said Monday that “if Israel attacked Gaza we would declare war against the Zionist regime."

Indonesia issues tsunami warning after quake off Java

Indonesia's earthquake agency on Monday issued a tsunami warning after a 7.1 magnitude quake struck at about 300 kilometres (186 miles) off Cilacap on the south coast of Java island.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.7 at India-Nepal border, tremors felt in Delhi

An earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale and with an epicentre in Nepal shook parts of north India, including capital Delhi and its suburbs on Monday evening.

Discharge of radioactive water into sea continues

Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, is continuing its operation to discharge wastewater containing low-level radioactive substances into the sea from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Syria opposition: Assad regime wants talks amid ongoing protests

Syrian opposition groups leading anti- government protests based in the country on Tuesday said authorities have offered to meet with them. But some activists, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the offer could be a ploy by security forces to find out more about the various opposition groups coordinating the protests.

Ahmadinejad: U.S. seeking to divide Jordan to form Palestinian state

The United States is leading an effort to annex a part of Jordan to the West Bank, thus enlarging the future Palestinians state, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a press conference on Monday, adding that the alleged move was meant to protect Israel's security. Speaking in a Tehran press conference on Monday, Ahmadinejad claimed the latest conflicts in the Arab world would eventually lead to the collapse of Israel, saying: "The latest conflicts will leave no chance for the Zionist regime [Israel] to survive as all the involved countries are against the occupation of Palestine."

Second Iron Dome Battery Deployed -- to Protect Ashkelon

An second battery of the Iron Dome anti-rocket system was deployed Monday in southern Israel, according to Army Radio. The battery, operated by commanders and soldiers from the IAF's Aerial Defense Network, will be deployed in as part of efforts to protect residents of the cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod against rocket fire from Gaza.

Iran's Supreme Leader: 'We Have Won on the Nuclear Front'

In a recent meeting that took place between Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and a group of his top-ranking military commanders, the nuclear matter was a focal point.
The supreme leader commented on the fact that the (Western) oppressors have employed all of their political, propaganda, and economic might in forcing the Islamic Republic to abandon its nuclear pursuits. Then, he said:

And now, after eight years of pressure, the Islamic Iran has won out.

Enough Already: Are Israeli Settlements Actually 'Illegal'?

According to the governing Mandatory authority, which was in force until 1948, Jews were not only permitted to build in the entire area designated as the “Jewish national home,” they were entitled to do so by the Mandate itself. Zionism, the political expression of Jewish self-determination and sovereignty in the Land of Israel, was (except for Arabs) generally undisputed.

Will Bretton Woods shock U.S. economy?

The gathering of economic giants will take place at Mount Washington Hotel, famous for hosting the original Bretton Woods economic agreements drafted in 1944. That conference's goal was to rebuild a post-World War II international monetary system. The April gathering has a similar goal in mind – a global economic restructuring.

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