Kamis, 21 April 2011

Soros Attempts to Remake Global Economy

We're finally getting reports from the Soros held "Bretton Woods" event:

Soros Event Sets in Motion New Attacks on Dollar

It's been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from for years.

When the anti-American Soros spent $50 million creating the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), he set in motion a major move against the dollar

The billionaire who once crushed the British pound through currency trading openly declared his plans to 'reform the currency system.' In the Machiavellian mind of Soros, the dollar needed to take a back seat and end its stint as the world reserve currency. 'The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it once did, yet no other currency can take its place,' he wrote in late 2009.

In 2011, he was already pushing aside the dollar. 'The big question is whether the U.S. dollar should be the reserve currency; and, in fact, it no longer is,' Soros told Bloomberg. He's not the only one. Nobel Prize winning economist and Soros buddy Joseph Stiglitz said he is arguing for 'a global reserve currency.'

To create a new financial world, the U.S. dollar has to be taken down and this process is exactly what we are seeing today. None of this is by chance or accidental - its all been planned for years - we're just now seeing the beginning stages of this plan:

Stiglitz, who also chairs the UN General Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, called for a new 'global system,' saying the current one is 'fundamentally unfair because it means that poor countries are lending to the U.S. at close to zero interest rates.'

In the short time following the Soros-funded Bretton Woods event, the move against the dollar has gained momentum rapidly. Soros wrote in 2009 that 'the rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system to ensure that they will be active supporters.' Here come those rising powers right now, singing the Soros tune.

The five BRICS nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and new member South Africa - had their third summit meeting one week after Soros held his. Unsurprisingly, the themes were similar, with BRICS nations calling 'for a restructuring of the World War II-era global financial system and an eventual end to the long reign of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.'

And for a world government to take place, America must be removed from power. This begins with the collapse of the dollar.

Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Peking University and a senior associate at the Soros-funded Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, claimed that the dollar is even bad for the United States. In a Financial Times opinion piece, he argued 'America must give up on the dollar.' The Financial Times, you'll remember, had five news employees speak at Soros's Bretton Woods event, too.

We've heard that all before - from Soros himself. In 2009, Soros called for the increased use of an obscure economic tool called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Before your eyes glaze over, SDRs are essentially a 'basket of currencies' - the euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling and U.S. dollar. If the world starts using them more and the dollar less, then U.S. economic status declines.

According to The Pioneer of India, those five nations 'have called for 'a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty.'' The group also wants more of a say in how international economic institutions are run and what currencies make up the SDR basket. That last concern reflects an existing move to include the Chinese remimbi in the SDR selection.

More related news:

The push for a new world currency wasn't the only major news coming from the Soros conference, though most major news outlets ignored the entire gathering. The International Monetary Fund might be getting a new leader, one of the speakers at the event in fact.

According to the Daily Mail, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown 'has emerged as a favourite for the £270,000-a-year role after networking this week at a conference of policymakers at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, where the IMF was founded

Brown is a perfect fit for the Soros economic view. At the conference, one of his takeaway lines was: 'American and European dominance is no longer a fact.'

Clearly, that's the takeaway that Soros wants us to believe, at least.

Also see:

IMF Bank Lords and George Soros' INET at Bretton Woods, Whats the Diff?

There is a video within this link that is worth watching - and this chilling quote from the article:

So, just how snugly does Soros’ conference fit in this IMF sandwich and what are the tactical solutions they all so collectively seek?

One set of hints has been provided by Soros’ right hand man, Jeffrey Sachs. As reported by Aaron Klein, Jeff is seeking a brave, immediate future including global taxation, currency transfer tax, tax on the rental value of land and natural resources, royalties on worldwide “fossil energy projection,” fees for the commercial use of oceans, for air flight, of course for putting carbon in the air, and even fees for the use of “the electromagnetic spectrum.”

Oh, and he also envisions chronic economic stagnation, unemployment and labor revolt. The proletariat have to do their part.

Also see:

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Mr Soros has a world vision and he also has a plan to make it happen. His vision includes taking America out of the picture, at which point, according to Soros, a new world financial system can begin and along with it, a new world governance.

It appears that Mr Soros view of the world is highly consistent with the world that the apostle John was shown as occurring at the end of the age, more specifically, the last seven year period also known as the Tribulation.

We know from biblical prophecy that the world will see a single currency, a world financial system which involves the "Mark of the Beast", and a single world government as led by the antichrist.

We are now seeing the process involved in bringing this world view into reality.

I'm glad we won't be here to see it in its full form because it is a very bleak picture indeed. As usual, man's attempt at governing will be proven an epic failure - and the larger the government and the more power consolidated by a few - the larger the failure. The Tribulation will reveal just how large this failure will be, with all of the expected pain and suffering as a result.

Just read Revelation 6-18 to see how bad things will become. Or one can read what Jesus has to say about the Tribulation:

"For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21)

Fortunately, we won't be here to witness this carnage.

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