Jumat, 15 April 2011

The Coming Gaza War: A Coordinated Attack

This article comes from the American Thinker, and it reveals what many of us have been thinking anyway:

The Next Gaza War Will Be a Coordinated Attack

There should be no doubt that the next Gaza war won't resemble the 2008-2009 war, and it could start at any time.

On Thursday, April 7, an anti-tank missile fired from the Gaza Strip by a Hamas terrorist slammed into an Israeli school bus loaded with children and exploded...the message was clear: Israeli citizens, even little children, aren't safe anywhere.

Israel responded with helicopter gunships, and in short order Hamas announced that a ceasefire would go into effect Thursday evening. Two days later, Hamas resumed firing rockets and mortar shells at Israel. That's a ceasefire Hamas-style.

If you follow events in Israel closely, you recognize the routine. First Hamas engages in indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians. Next Israel responds. Then Hamas announces a unilateral ceasefire. Soon thereafter, the attacks resume, and Israel responds. Eventually, a full-scale war breaks out. It's as predictable as clockwork. That's how the Gaza War of 2008-2009 began, and that's how the next Gaza war will start -- only the next Gaza war will be markedly different.

That's so true, and these patterns have been followed since 1948. But what's new now?

This article is well worth reading in its entirety. After describing the new weapons which have been smuggled into Gaza, we get to the bottom line:

Iran's attempts to change the balance of power in the Middle East and North Africa by picking off one country after another is evident in Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, and Saudi Arabia as well.

We're witnessing the fruition of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's plan to destroy Israel. His first step was to announce his intention to the world. Some mocked him, but he meant business.

Next, he worked to undermine political regimes in every country in the region and to strengthen Islamist elements beholden to him. All the while, he has worked feverishly to develop Iran's nuclear capability.

As we continue below, note the prophetic fulfillment of the facts described in this article:

Today, Israel is surrounded: Hamas in Gaza on the west, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt on the south and southwest, Hezb'allah in Lebanon on the north, a host of emerging Islamist terrorist organizations in Syria on the northeast, and on the east, a weakened monarch in Jordan attempting to restrain radical Islamists. With Ahmadinejad's unswerving support, the only step remaining is a coordinated attack on Israel.

Given its proximity to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, Israel's most populous region, Gaza is the logical place for the war to begin. From southern Lebanon, Hezb'allah has promised to join the fight, probably with an attack on Haifa, Israel's third-largest metropolitan area.

Syria, Egypt, and Jordan may join the fight as well, and Israel could end up fighting a war for survival on all sides, much like the Six Day War. But things have changed markedly since 1967. The U.S. is weaker in the Middle East than it has been in decades, and Islamist groups are stronger than they have ever been. There should be no doubt that the next Gaza war won't resemble the 2008-2009 war, and it could start at any time.

Not to mention the fact that Syria has chemical tipped weapons - weapons that Israel has already stated they would treat exactly the same as incoming nuclear WMDs, in terms of their military response.

Also don't forget that parts of Syria and Israel will be "desolate" during this next conflict - presumably due to Syria's use of such weapons.

The American Spectator and its writers are not writing with biblical prophecy in mind - and it has to be fascinating for a prophecy watcher to see "secular" news and commentaries giving quotes that could be lifted directly from the pages of prophecy.

In this case, just compare the last paragraphs (quoted above) - paragraphs which describe a coming war - to the prophetic descriptions given in Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17. Its virtually identical.

The world is lining up precisely as we have been informed through the prophetic scriptures, and we continue to see that realization unfold.

As stated before - this summer promises to be very interesting.

Also see:

Iran providing Hamas with smuggle-ready rockets, says IDF

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