Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Update on the EU and the Lisbon Treaty

We've been watching this story very closely. As previously mentioned - once the "EU Constitution" failed to gain approval with every EU country (three countries refused to vote positively for the constitution), the Lisbon Treaty became a factor, effectively serving as a replacement for the failed "constitution" efforts.

Now we watch the Lisbon Treaty process, which, once in effect will finally consolidate all EU member states under one "Treaty" (aka constitution). It will also create a "permanent president" position, and a separate, very powerful position over all foreign policy (this title always escapes my memory). This is an important step in the EU's growth and progress.

In this context, there are two interesting stories:

1. "Irish hold crunch EU treaty vote". Ireland is now - today - holding their long anticipated vote for the Lisbon Treaty. Over the last several months, this pivotal vote was considered as the last significant vote, as Ireland was considered to be the "last holdout". Ireland is the only one of the EU's 27 member states to pit the treaty to a referendum. The vote is today and the counting begins Saturday, with results expected Saturday afternoon.

Apart from Ireland, the only remaining countries yet to ratify Lisbon are the Czech Republic and Poland.

2. "Tony Blair to head the EU within weeks". In another story, we see more speculation that Tony Blair will be named as the President of the EU. Quotes:

"Tony Blair is set to be made the first President of Europe in weeks, the Sun can reveal. He will be nominated by EU leaders in Brussels if, as expected, Ireland backs the hated Lisbon Treaty in tomorrows referendum."

"A senior Government source said: 'If we get a YES vote it will all move very very quickly. Tony could be named by the end of October. The leaders of the EU's 27 nations, not the voters, will chose the president."

"Even if Ireland votes 'Yes", Poland and the Czech Republic are still to decide. But Sweden, which currently holds the EU presidency, wants a president named by the end of this month - and Mr Blair is the favorite."

This Lisbon Treaty is yet another stepping stone for a leader to emerge from the revived "Roman Empire" - a leader who will become known as the biblical antichrist. I don't think it is a given that the "President" will become the antichrist by any means (although it is an obvious possibility). The antichrist could be a figure who is yet to emerge, he could end up having the foreign policy position which will also be created, or he could come from an entirely obscure position within the EU. There is no way of knowing.

However, for quite obvious reasons, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty is potentially of great prophetic significance.

As previously mentioned, this fall is turning out to be very very interesting as a prophecy watcher.

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