Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

In the news...

There are several interesting stories in the news recently:

First, we see yet another earthquake flurry.

Link here to weekly update. Just today, there was a 6.0 in Afghanistan, and six more earthquakes > 5.0, including locations such as China, Bhutan, Mexico and Indonesia. Earthquake Map. UPDATE: 6.9 quake in Japan, Friday, Oct. 30.

The second story involves an article quoting the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon: "Jerusalem must be the capital of two states - Israel and Palestine - living side by side in peace and security". He added, "Only with the achievement of a two-State solution and a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace, will Jerusalem be fully restored to its rightful place as a symbol of sanctity, brotherhood, and peace for the entire world."

In other words, unless Israel returns to the "pre-1967 borders", by giving up the Golan Heights and giving up the West Bank - and lets not forget that necessary "connecting section" of land that would be added to "Palestine" - that strip of land that would need to connect the West Bank with Gaza - which would effectively divide Jerusalem into a southern half and a northern half; then there won't be peace in the Middle-East. Of course, as we have pointed out before, Israel was invaded prior to 1967 when these coveted borders already existed. Go figure.

Lets not forget what God had to say about Jerusalem in these days: "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding people reeling...I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." (Zechariah 12:2-3).

Then, for a third story, we see more and more reports of missiles being launched from Lebanon's southern border, as controlled by Hezbollah. This has now reached a level of concern prompting calls of "restraint" from the UN: Ban urges restraint after latest rocket firing from Lebanon into Israel".

Lastly, we see the following story from the EU Reporter: Czech decision on Lisbon treaty only after EU summit". Now it appears that the Czech Republic's constitutional court won't give its verdict until November 3. This delay put a major roadblock to the UN's plans, as they were hoping for finalization of Lisbon before their big summit meeting which begins October 29. However, it is generally assumed that the Czech Republic's constitutional court will approve the ratification process in favor of the Lisbon Treaty.

The general assumption is that the EU President and the Foreign Policy head will be named before the end of the year.

Very interesting times for a prophecy watcher.

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