Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

In the news...

There are several stories circulating this morning that represent follow-up news to things we have been covering:

Israel-Turkey relations: "Turkey ties could head for breakup". This article quotes former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk who stated, "the crisis in Israeli-Turkey relationship could deteriorate to the point of a breakup..."

"Weak dollar raises talk of alternative world currency". In this article we see yet another reference to the potential use of the IMF (International Monetary Fund): "Foreign bankers talk of promoting an alternative global currency, such as the euro, yuan or a new synthetic medium of exchange cooked up by the International Monetary Fund."

In addition we read the following quote from this article: "In March, Chinese Central Bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan proposed shifting global finance to a reliance on a new international reserve currency rather than the dollar of any other national unit. The aim would be to avoid the periodic crises..."

"Star fades for Blair in EU role". Other than repeating the mantra for this week - that Blair's support for EU president is fading we see a new timeline for selection of a president: "Formal negotiations on who should fill the top spot job are unlikely to begin until at least next month, European officials say, because the treaty has been held up awaiting ratification by the Czech Republic."

And of course, the ever present earthquake story:

"Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan"

Just another day in prophecy watching!

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