Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

The "last obstacle"

There is a nice review article on the current status of the Lisbon Treaty, issued from AP:
"Czech president last obstacle for EU reform treaty".

There isn't much new information here, but all eyes are squarely on the Czech Republic as, according to this article:

"...the EU reform treaty still has a huge hurdle to clear. A 'no' from the lone holdout - Czech President Vaclav Klaus - could cripple plans to transform Europe into a global player."

Overall it appears that the Czech Republic will ultimately approve:

"Klaus is largely ceremonial head of state - like the Queen of England - and since both houses of Parliament have ratified the treaty, he is all but legally bound to sign the document."

However, this potential obstacle could trigger another scenario:

"However, speculation runs high he may try to hold off on his blessing until British elections next year - which the famously Euro-skeptic Conservatives are expected to win easily. That could prove fatal for the treaty: The Tories have pledged a referendum on the charter if it has not been ratified by the time they are elected. With the British traditionally aloof - if not downright hostile - toward continental Europe, they would be expected to vote no."

"Failure of the Lisbon treaty would send the EU into an unprecedented crisis."

Hmm....A "crisis". So, in other words, if the Czech President can successfully delay things until the conservatives are voted in next year (UK) - then the UK may also "reverse" their stance on Lisbon - sending the entire process into a "crisis".

WIll this happen?

No one knows. But we do know this: the antichrist will have three obstacles to deal with as he rises to power:

Daniel 7:24 (my words)

" The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom (the revived Roman Empire). After them another king (antichrist) will arise, different from the earlier ones. HE WILL SUBDUE THREE KINGS."

In other words, the antichrist will have to deal with three of the ten kings during his rise to power. It is hard to know how this will play out - but we do know that there will be three "problems" for the antichrist to deal with as he ascends to his ultimate power position - problems that he will effectively deal with on his way to the top.

This may or may not have anything to do with the "three kings" which must be "subdued" by the antichrist. Plus, the Czech Republic is not one of the 10 member states of the WEU (and we must remind ourselves that the speculation over the meaning of the "ten kings" is unknown - speculation concerning the WEU's role is just that - speculation).

We do know that the antichrist will, for some reason, have to deal with three of the ten kings. How this plays out - at this point - in anyone's guess. But anytime I see dissenting countries within the revived Roman Empire, its raises my eyebrows.

Meanwhile, we'll keep watching this fascinating evolution and growth of the European Union as they attempt to complete their process, and as the article states, be "more accountable and be better prepared to take on big issues on the world stage" and "shift from an Europe of states to an Europe of one single European state."

Indeed. Just as biblical prophecy would predict.

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