Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

The European Union: A single empire

The EU Observer link here is reporting that the Lisbon Treaty "will enter into force as early as December 1", according to French President Nicolas Sarcozy. This breakthrough came after member states agreed to some last-minute demands by Czech President Vaclav Klaus.

We also see the following:

"This deal...paves the way for Mr Klaus to sign the pact, a move that will allow it to go into force across the 27 member states of the European Union."

"The Czech president can only sign after 3 November, the day when the Czech constitutional court is due to give its verdict on whether Lisbon is compatible with national law. The ruling is widely expected to come out in favor of the treaty, with a similar - though narrower - case also going the treaty's way last year."

Perhaps even more interesting:

"Once the treaty-opposing Czech president puts pen to paper - and EU leaders remain wary of his unpredictability - the race to fill the posts created by the treaty will begin in earnest. The president of the European Council and the foreign minister - two new jobs - as well as the line up of the next European Commission are set to be decided at an extraordinary summit in November."

"The new posts have been the subject of frenzied speculation in the media in the run-up to the October summit and in the corridors during the summit itself."

Indeed. Prophecy watchers have been wondering about all of these issues for years; issues including the expansion of the EU and any powerful positions of authority which may emerge. Until now, with a rotating presidency and a very ill-defined foreign policy, there weren't any specific positions of power and authority.

I can recall when authors such as Hal Lindsey and Dwight Pentecost, over 25 years ago called for a "United States of Europe" to be formed, based upon a literal view of Daniel 2 and 7. People scoffed at the idea, as WWII wasn't that distant at the time, and the thought of a united europe, including old rivals such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom seemed implausible. But here it is, today, alive and well.

In fact, I found one quote particularly revealing, when the EU expanded via the formation of the Mediterranean Union. When asked why he wasn't interested in joining this union, Libya's leader Moammar Kadafi was quoted as saying that he wouldn't join because the Mediterranean Union was clearly a "revival of the Roman Empire". This interesting coming from a nation's leader, particularly one who isn't known for his knowledge of bible prophecy.

Based on this report, we will have a "permanent" EU president (there are terms of office, but it is unclear how many times the term can "roll over"), and a head of foreign policy within weeks. These are positions that for years have received much speculation in prophecy circles, and within a matter of weeks we will see two individuals actually selected for the most powerful positions in this new roman empire.

Once these leaders emerge it will be fascinating to see who will focus on the Middle-East situation and the peace process pertaining to Israel. The "covenant" of Daniel 9:27 seems to be approaching. We will now have two positions of leadership/authority in this revived Roman Empire - two positions which will have the necessary power to "confirm a covenant" between Israel and her enemies - creating temporary peace in the region. In other words, two positions from which a leader could emerge and ultimately fulfill the prophecy given in Daniel 9:27: a figure who will later become known as the antichrist.

Biblical prophecy is marching right along, just as predicted.

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