Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

The story that won't go away

This is beginning to become very interesting for a lot of reasons. The earthquakes seem to keep coming, almost in waves. I have been keeping an eye on earthquakes for a long time and I'm slow to make it a story, despite the usual active periods. But we are now going on three weeks of a lot of earthquake activity and its not just confined to one or two areas.

Just over the last week there have been over 80 earthquakes measuring magnitude > 5.0, and 13 earthquakes measuring > 6.0. Three quakes measured a magnitude of > 7.0. All of these in the last week:

"Latest Earthquakes M5.0 in the World - Past 7 days"

If you haven't linked it from previous posts the world earthquake map can be found HERE.

We had been following the quakes in Indonesia, Santa Cruz Islands, and Vanuatu, but recently, large earthquakes are also appearing in Iran, Japan, Ecuador and Alaska.

On an unrelated note, someone posted a comment in the previous post questioning a web-link to some of the pictures relating to the "Woman on the Beast" and the Tower of Babel building. They appropriately pointed out that the site had some non-biblical information (that I was unaware of..I was only interested in the pictures). Regardless, I don't ever endorse any of the sites that I link, particularly the news articles. I am strictly linking information/sites based on the single items of interest, in this case, the pictures of these buildings and statues, etc. Just wanted to clarify that. If I ever, for any reason "endorse" a site, I will state this explicitly. Otherwise I don't specifically endorse any of the links provided.

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