Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

More quakes...again

Earthquake map here

As mentioned before, the earthquake story continues.
Just over the past two days there have been a number of big (>5.0) quakes, making this at least two weeks of significantly increased activity:

- 5.3 Chile
- 5.9 Tonga Islands
- 5.3 Santa Cruz Islands
- 6.9 Santa Cruz Islands
- 5.3 Celebes Sea
- 5.2 Japan
- 5.8 Kuril Islands

Just as predicted - we are seeing a surge (aka "birthpains") in all major signs. The "rumors of war" are continuing in the Middle-East, Israel, Iran, Southern Lebanon and Syria just to name a few. Stories of persecution, famine, the financial crisis and of course, pestilences (the never ending story of the swine flu, whether real or not) are all in the news recently. Not to mention the developments within the EU which are under the spotlight.

The prophetic signs are all progressing exactly as expected. We've received warning signs for an entire generation - now more than ever before.

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