Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Will ISIS Launch Major Offensive Into Lebanon? Expert: If Netanyahu Loses, Expect War

ISIS Could Launch Major Offensive Into Lebanon Next Month

The deputy head of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon has warned that ISIS could begin launching attacks against the Lebanese army as early as next month.
He further places the blame for the rise of ISIS on the West and Gulf Arab countries that continue to finance and arm the jihadist group.
Sheik Naim Qassem said ISIS is planning major offensives after the winter ends next month against the Lebanese army, which has been launching preemptive attacks along the Lebanese border with Syria.

Hezbollah fighters have been assisting the Lebanese army in repelling jihadist attacks into Lebanon. Observers say jihadist attacks, especially into northern Lebanon, are in response to Hezbollah sending its fighters into Syria to assist the Syrian military against a fractured Syrian opposition whose ranks over the past two years have swelled with Sunni jihadist fighters mainly from ISIS and the al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra Front.

3,000 Sunni jihadist fighters have gathered in the Syrian Qalamoun mountains bordering eastern Lebanon, poised to attack a series of Christian towns in northern and central Lebanon.

The concern is that the jihadists are staging not only in the north around Tripoli and in areas in the northern Bekaa Valley but also around Saida, or Sidon, south of Beirut, and in the south from the Syrian Golan Heights.

In its preemptive attacks, the Lebanese army, backed by Shiite elements of Hezbollah fighters, has been launching artillery against ISIS positions in the northern part of Lebanon.

A leading Israeli expert on Middle East affairs warned on Friday that if Isaac Herzog wins Tuesday’s elections and becomes the next prime minister, Israel’s enemies will certainly take the opportunity to test the Jewish state’s new leadership militarily.
“If a government headed by Herzog is established, I will not be surprised if there is an attempt by the Iranian-Hezbollah-Hamas side to test it, very early on,” said Channel 2 analyst Ehud Ya’ari.
In the course of his reelection campaign, Netanyahu has repeated warned that a victory for Herzog would pose a severe threat to Israel’s security as enemies around the region would view the new and untested government as vulnerable and weak.

The US Senate last week reportedly opened an investigation into charges that the Obama Administration had indirectly, but knowingly funded an Israeli campaign dedicated to unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Most Israelis were unsurprised.

An unnamed source told Fox News on Saturday that the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations had accepted a bipartisan request to look into accusations that the State Department had provided government grants to the OneVoice organization, which in turn established and funded the Israeli grassroots movement V15, whose sole purpose is to encourage Israelis to vote against Netanyahu.

In an interview with Voice of Israel Radio last week, Netanyahu also claimed that “Scandinavian governments have spent millions of dollars on a campaign to remove me from power.”

The Obama Administration had previously adamantly rejected assertions that it had deliberately contributed to electoral campaigns targeting Netanyahu for removal. 
But a poll conducted last month for The Jerusalem Post showed that Israelis are unconvinced, and that a firm 62 percent majority believe Obama has interfered in Israel’s electoral process.

Wolf Blitzer (CNN, March 13) used the cover of a news program to broadcast a propaganda performance straight out of the Third Reich or perhaps from George Orwell’s 1984. The orchestration presented Russia as a massive, aggressive military threat. The screen was filled with missiles firing and an assortment of American General Strangeloves urging provocative measures to be deployed against the Russian Threat. Blitzer’s program is part of the orchestrated propaganda campaign whose purpose is to prepare Americans for conflict with Russia.

It was such irresponsible propaganda and so many blatant lies for a media organization to sponsor that it was obvious that CNN and Wolf Blitzer had no fear of being called on the carpet for spreading war fever. The so-called “mainstream media” has been transformed into a Ministry of Propaganda.

Similar propaganda is being spread in the UK where defense minister Michael Fallon declared Russia to be a “real and present danger” to Europe. US troops and tanks are being rushed to the Baltics on the pretext that Russia is going to attack.

That such blatant lies can issue from high government officials without a shred of evidence and without shame should scare you to death. We are witnessing the total disrespect for truth and human life by high government officials and the presstitute media.

The propaganda is driving the world toward war. The propaganda has destroyed the trust between nuclear powers and has resurrected the threat of nuclear armageddon. The Russian government sees that Washington and its NATO vassals are conjuring a nonexistent Russian Threat. Clearly this conjured threat has a purpose that intends Russia harm.

Washington’s propaganda spread by the presstitutes is the most irresponsible act in human history. Reagan and Gorbachev succeeded in removing the threat of nuclear war, and the crazed neoconservatives and their media whores have brought it back.

Putin understands the seriousness of the situation and is working hard to diffuse it, but Washington has made it impossible to diffuse. Washington’s price is that Putin must hand over Crimea and the Russian Black Sea naval base, abandon the Russian populations in southern and eastern Ukraine, and accept NATO military bases in Ukraine. Washington’s demand is a demand for Russia’s pre-emptive surrender.

In the CNN propaganda show, Wolf Blitzer failed to report that German intelligence challenges Washington’s claims about Russia and that the French and German governments have finally realized that Washington is insane and are working desperately to stop Washington’s drive toward war.

Washington and its UK puppet have spent the entirety of the 21st century creating death and destruction. Seven countries have been invaded, bombed, or droned in order “to spread democracy.” Iraq is destroyed, as is Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia . Syria nearly so, and Pakistan and Yemen are politically and socially destabilized by incessant US air attacks. The democratic, elected, governments of Honduras and Ukraine have been overthrown by US coups. Venezuela is next in line, with Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil waiting their turn.

Washington and the presstitutes have lost their humanity. They have become agents of evil. If mushroom clouds appear, the responsibility will lie with Wolf Blitzer, CNN, and the presstitutes who beat the drums of war.

[This one is worth posting in full]

The God of the Bible is anathema to secular leftists.  As evidence of that, we see a troubling rise in anti-Christian and anti-Semitic bigotry from the political left, both at home and abroad.  To push the faithful farther out of the mainstream, it is now chic to target Christians and Jews for verbal and physical abuse, and worse in many places, because those who deny the biblical God are in power or rising to take it.  Corrupt human power and Divinity are mutually exclusive. 

As a manifestation of this rising aggression toward Western religious values, atheism and secularism have become cool and trendy among those making the absurd case for the shabbiness of human nature as the planet’s preeminent force.  Though the Founders foresaw the need to constrain such force via the Constitution, secularists have decided that this is their time to rise and forcibly convert the rest of us, or punish or re-educate us.  Their influences and voices are becoming louder and angrier, and their attacks more confident.  They are empowered by the fact that the dominance of the left in politics, the media, and entertainment means that they are largely free to do or say any offensive or vile thing they wish, since the watchdogs endorse their crimes and make it unpopular and painful for anyone who might oppose them.

The denial of the biblical God in America has been a decades-long work in progress.  After all, the elimination of a Divine Being from the equation leaves deeply flawed humans as the sole arbiters of what constitutes acceptable human behavior.  

When one does not have to answer for his cruelties, hatred, bigotry, violence, etc., life becomes a lot more pleasant for the aggressor.  

Similarly, if there is no God, the treatment of His believers as mindless simpletons is more easily justified, since who else but a backwards hick would believe that something other than man, or random chance, created all that is around us, in measures of complexity and symmetry that humans still have not yet deciphered?  Sure, we all get that species evolve over time to adapt, but no one has yet explained plausibly why, if we magically grew from single-celled entities in the muck, new humans don’t continue to magically “evolve” under the same conditions.  We still have muck and have had eons of time.  Where are the new evolving humans?

The Christian concept of a human soul is offensive to those who recoil at the thought that their existence might derive in any way from a Divine Being to whom they will one day answer.  If they admitted to that, then they might also have to concede that the God from whom their soul derived has rules, and they hate rules they didn’t write, rewrite, or make up on the spot, depending on their need to get away with something.

With God replaced by humans as nature’s biggest and best, other behaviors become easier to rationalize.  If there are no rules imposed by God for human behavior, then morality is a manufactured concept and is purely optional.  Truth and honor, as manifestations of morality, are artificial and therefore are silly.  What matters are the ends.  But with God gone, whose ends are dominant?  Why, the left’s ends, of course.  But don’t worry.  If there were a God, they tell us, he would side with them, because they have deigned to label their oppression “moral.”

This belies another odd fallacy of secularism as the left practices it.  If there is no God, from where does the virtue arise that is so often pushed as the leftist’s justification for tyranny?  From leftists, of course.  
With God out of the way, leftists will decide for us what is best, what crumbs they will allow us to have, what we will be allowed to do.  
It’s not that leftists don’t like moral codes being imposed upon mankind.  It’s that leftists have figured out that it must be a flexible moral code that protects them as they coldly force their preferences on others, against their inferiors’ will.

This brings us to a fact the left simply cannot abide.  Every human is endowed with free will.  The concept that each life is sacred is based in part upon the fact that each is blessed with the ability to rationally weigh moral choices and, based on concepts like future consequences and a greater good, choose right from wrong.  No other species can foresee, for instance, the disastrous effects of a bad moral decision extending in perpetuity.  Many Christians recognize that the vehicle for this trait is the human soul, an inexplicable gift connecting us to the Divine, by which we exercise free will either to move closer to Him or move farther away.
Because each of us is endowed with this gift, no one is better or more entitled than another.  As such, we are likewise endowed by God with the inherent gift of autonomy, with unalienable rights to be free from the false human gods who have denied the actual God in order to replace Him with their own presumed superiority.  Deny God, and those truths magically vanish from the discourse, to be replaced with the argument that rights derive from man, and are gifted to man by other men.  If there is no God, no soul, no Divine spark, there is no autonomy.  Human power is all there is, and the rules are whatever other humans decide they will be for those they intend to rule.  At this point, inherent rights can and will be rescinded by man.

And here we find ourselves now.  God is the left’s most hated enemy, though they will cynically invoke God to mislead the gullible.  They protest that their secularism, and their goals of dominance and control of other humans, are altruistic and are thus Godly.  They ignore that their rationalization of altruism is itself an act of tyranny, in which they have made themselves and their values superior to those whom they seek to control or victimize.  As they pretend to be motivated by charity and kindness toward society, they advance only those who swear obedience to the power they wield.  Oaths are mere formalities, since there is no God who will hold them to account for their infidelity.  Honor is foolishness, since only the accomplishment of dominance over those who disagree matters.  There is no greater good, no higher call, than power over others.

Good has always warred with evil.  So it is now.  God and Satan are forever vying for human souls.  Those who swear allegiance to human vice are increasingly feeling free to attack those who don’t.  No matter.  To surrender to evil is not only to lose our innate freedom, but to dishonor the Divine spark that was gifted to each of us.  The farther we get from God, His rules, His virtues, His essence, the worse it becomes.

Rather than abandon God because the cool kids are all doing it, while threatening us with rescission of rights, curtailment of religious freedom, “hate” laws, bigotry, and prejudice, we must ask His help.  God has blessed America.  When we have had enough of man and turn back to God, we may be worthy of true success, rather than the failure that has come to every other nation that has placed the corrupt power of man over the divinity of God.

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