Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Saudi Arabia's New Defense Chief Faces His First War

Yemeni president Abd-Rabbu Hadi is welcomed to Riyadh by Saudi defence minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud

Financial Times: Yemen strikes are test of youthful Saudi defence minister

As Saudi jets pummelled Houthi rebel targets around the Yemeni capital Sana’a, Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud was co-ordinating the strikes from the Saudi military’s operations centre.

The surprise assault is meant to stem the rapid advance of the Zaydi Shia militia that, allied with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, has brought the Sunni Gulf allied-Yemeni government to the brink of extinction.

Update #1: Meet The Poster Boy Of Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Strikes -- Vocativ
Update #2: Saudi Arabia's Rising Stars -- Glen Carey And Kambiz Forooha, Bloomberg

WNU Editor:
No one even knows how old Saudi Arabia's new defense chief is (some say 30, others say 35) .... but everyone knows that he is the son of the new king. Hmmm .... speaking of nepotism.

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