Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Preparing For The Wars To Come

This trend in the news may be somewhat redundant, but it is impossible to ignore:

Advanced weaponry, much of it supplied by Iran, is flowing into Syria and Lebanon, a senior Israel Navy source warned on Sunday.

The Navy is spending a large chunk of its operational time dealing with advanced weapon smuggling, according to the source, who added, “Such weapons pose a challenge to all Western navies in the area.”

He said the northern front has become unified, and that Lebanon and Syria can not be viewed as separate entities anymore.

“What happens in Syria, happens in Lebanon [in terms of weapons availability], and vice versa. I’ll go a step further and say that everything that happens in Iran can end up in Syria, which can then end up in Lebanon,” the source stated. “In the event of war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, I’m not sure Syria will remain on the sidelines. Hezbollah assists the Assad regime, and the help is mutual.”

Describing the quantity and quality of surface-to-sea missiles in Hezbollah’s possession as “unprecedented,” the source said there are dozens of such weapons in its keeping, covering around 10 different kinds of such missiles.

“The types of warheads and their ranges are many,” said the source. “We are in a completely different situation. The sector has changed.”

The source said he assumed Hezbollah is in possession of the Yakhont guided antiship missile, adding that the navy is capable of defending itself from it.

“They can fire it at military headquarters in Tel Aviv,” he said.

The Yakhont has a 300 kilometer range, according to the source.

“It is very fast. It has unusual capabilities. It can fly at a very high altitude, or a low one, depending on the variation,” he said.

Iran continues to develop its own weapons, copying the arms of other states, and it smuggles them to its allies and proxies in Syria and Lebanon, said the source.

Meanwhile, semi-state organizations are growing in Syria, and jihadist groups are likelier than previously to try to mount a sea-based terrorist attack, such as a bomb-laden vessel.

In Hezbollah’s view, the naval arena is becoming central, the source continued, and the organization’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah is planning offensive moves against Israel in the next clash, rather than just waging a lengthy war of attrition.

Meanwhile, the Israel Navy is preparing to receive four new missile ships, to secure four gas drilling platforms in Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the Mediterranean, an area twoand- a-half times larger than Israel.

The gas rigs, which will form most of Israel’s electricity supply, are attractive targets for Hezbollah, the source said.

The navy is setting up layers of defense around them, including antimissile defenses on ships and underwater defenses.

“Additional ships for this task are a must,” the source said.

The Russian Defense Minister's press service reported on Monday that large-scale air defense exercises have got under way in Russia's Eastern Military District.
"The drills are taking place at special firing ranges in the Primorye Territory and Buryatia, where the servicemen will be tasked with destroying about 50 various targets," the press service said.
"To implement the task, the troops will use a spate of the short-range surface-to-air missile systems, such as the Osa, the Tor and the Strela-10. Additionally, the drills will see the Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system, the man-portable air defense systems Igla and Verba, as well as the new generation long-range air defense missile systems Triumf and Favorit," the press service said.
It added that during the war games, the troops will, in particular, drill the units in repelling a massive missile and air strike by a simulated enemy.
The press service declined to elaborate on the exact number of servicemen involved in the exercises, but said that they will see the participation of air defense, aviation, radio-radar,  electronic warfare, reconnaissance and motor rifle units stationed in Buryatia and the Primorye Territory, as well as the Trans-Baikal, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Amur and Sakhalin regions.

Operation Rising Panther, the first of six proposed air defence operations due to take place every year, will “show Vladimir Putin in no uncertain terms” that Britain is ready, willing and able counter increasing Russian aggression should the need arise, say military sources.
More than 30 aircraft, including 20 Typhoons and Tornado fighter jets as well as a range of ED-3, AWACS, Sentinal and Shadow surveillance aircraft took part in the mock attack-and-defence wargames over the North east of England, as well as ground-based command teams. 
In February the Sunday Express revealed how one of the two Russian T-95 “Bear” long-range bombers intercepted by RAF Typhoons over the English Channel was carrying a nuclear missile designed to destroy a Trident submarine.
President Putin, who has recently increased Russian defence spending by a record 33 per cent, authorises around eight Russian incursions into  UK air space or Britain's "sphere of influence" every year. More than 100 were known to have encroached European airspace in 2013 alone.

In an interview today with Frank Gaffney, national security correspondent, Bill Gertz, discussed a recent interview with the Libyan ambassador to the U.A.E., in which the diplomat stated, "The situation is so dire in Libya that I expect an ISIS attack on Italy within weeks." ISIS has captured aircraft, has access to Libyan air force advisors, and could very well pack the planes with explosives.
Contrary to Obama's claims that the U.S. bombing campaign is destroying ISIS, Gertz claims the operations are a farce - blowing up pick-up trucks - and that ISIS is spreading.
As part of his two segments on Gaffney's radio show, Gertz discusses the non-binding, non-verifiable deal with Iran that the Obama administration is due to sign this weekend minus Pentagon input. He believes that Iran will be allowed to continue to enrich uranium, accelerating the already frantic nuclear arms race in the region. The unprecedented release of Israeli nuclear capabilities will further fuel the fire.
Gertz explores the issue of space warfare, which the Russians and Chinese have been busy perfecting. This could mean that every satellite in every orbit is vulnerable to attack. U.S. satellites perform military command and control, intelligence gathering, navigation and precision weapons targeting among other functions. 
Listen and learn about the new Russian cruise missiles, North Korea's ballistic missiles that overmatch our own, the lack of preparedness and weakening of our military and much more.
Start the MP3 at about 27:45.

Islamic State has recently found a following among Bedouin tribes in southern Jordan, tens of kilometers away from the border with Israel, sources from the IDF's Southern Command claim, according to Walla! News.
Sympathy for the terror organization, IDF sources fear, may spur terror cells to be established along the border, from where terrorists will infiltrate into Israel's Aravah region and carry out attacks. 
Concern is only amplified by the fact that there is no border fence between Jordan and Israel in that region, and the Aravah Division of the IDF, responsible for border security, suffers from low manpower. 
Just last month, Walla!  reported that seven people entered Israel illegally from Jordan, made their way to the Yotvata Kibbutz on the border, and stole vehicles before disappearing. None of the infiltrators have been caught. 
Jordan, meanwhile, is presently dealing with waves of refugees pouring in from Syria. In addition to food and shelter concerns, Jordanian security forces are also working to prevent terror cells belonging to both ISIS and Al Qaeda's Al-Nusra Front from springing up. 
Nonetheless, many ISIS supporters in Jordan are terrorists who returned from Syria, and there is a real concern that they will begin trying to accumulate followers thereby creating splinter groups. 
While IDF officials have confirmed there is a growing concentration of pro-ISIS supporters in Jordan's Ma'an province, kilometers away from the border with Israel, they argued it was too early to tell if active terror cells posed a genuine threat at this point. 

Saudi-led warplanes bombed Yemen's main international airport and struck a renegade troop base in the capital, as Arab leaders vowed Sunday to pummel Iranian-backed rebels until they surrender.
The raids on the country's main air gateway came just hours after UN workers were evacuated following deadly fighting that has sent tensions between Tehran and other Middle East powers soaring.

India and Pakistan also moved to airlift their citizens from the chaos-wracked country.

Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi has urged his Arab allies to keep up the bombing until the Houthi Shiite rebels are defeated, branding them Iran's "puppet".
His Foreign Minister Riyadh Yassin said there could be "no negotiations and dialogue" with the rebels "until the legitimate government has control over all Yemeni lands".

Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi said at a regional summit in Egypt on Sunday the offensive would go on until the rebels "surrender" their weapons and withdraw from areas they seized.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a dire warning Sunday about a possible nuclear accord with Iran as talks in Switzerland towards the outline of a deal intensified days before a deadline.

"The dangerous accord which is being negotiated in Lausanne confirms our concerns and even worse," Netanyahu said in remarks broadcast on public radio.

He said the "Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis" was "dangerous for all of humanity" and that combined with Tehran's regional influence, a nuclear deal could allow Iran to "conquer" the Middle East.

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