Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Iraqi Prime Minister: The Islamic State Has Been Driven Out Of Central Tikrit

Reuters: Iraqi forces drive Islamic State out of central Tikrit: PM

(Reuters) - Iraqi troops aided by Shi'ite paramilitaries have driven Islamic State out of central Tikrit, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said on Tuesday, but the fight to retake all of Saddam Hussein's home town continued.

Government forces have been in a month-long fight for the city, which became a bastion for the Sunni jihadists who are at war with Baghdad and have been targeted by U.S.-led air strikes.

Hundreds of insurgents ready to fight to the death are still holed up in Salahuddin province's capital city and at least three neighborhoods remain under Islamic State control, along with a palace complex in the city's north.

The further Iraqi forces push into the city, the greater the risk of ambushes.

WNU Editor: I have heard these claims before (more than once) .... so I will wait until independent journalists are reporting from the center of Tikrit before stating that this is true.

More News On The Battle For Tikrit

Iraq premier: Troops in center of Islamic State-held Tikrit -- AP
Iraq's Prime Minister is claiming that a key city has been retaken from ISIS -- AFP
Iraqi forces take back Tikrit from ISIS, official says -- CNN
Iraqi forces take large parts of Tikrit from ISIS, prime minister says -- FOX News
Iraqi Security Forces Recapture Tikrit From Islamic State -- WSJ
Iraq forces retake government HQ in Tikrit -- Al Arabiya
Iraqi forces advance in Tikrit following U.S. strikes -- Washington Post

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