Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Air Strikes Are Not Stopping The Shiite Rebel Advance In Yemen

Washington Post: Despite Saudi-led airstrikes, Shiite rebels continue to advance in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen — Shiite rebels reached the outskirts of the key southern city of Aden on Friday, boldly defying a bombing campaign led by Saudi Arabia that is seeking to push them back and carve out a protected space for the country’s beleaguered president.

The drive by the rebels, known as Houthis, indicates they have not been intimidated by a growing, Saudi-led force of at least 10 nations that have pledged aircraft and ships in a major operation to stop the insurgents. The U.S. government is contributing intelligence and logistics aid to the Saudi-led offensive.

WNU Editor: This is why you need infantry and armor to go along with air strikes to be effective at stopping an enemy. This is also why Saudi/Egyptian/etc. ground forces will be deployed soon .... otherwise the Houthis will only continue their offensive.

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