Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Russians Sees Better Times Ahead

Arab News/AFP: Russia sees light at the end of tunnel

MOSCOW: It's been a torrid time of late for the Russian economy as the fallout from Ukraine and tumbling oil prices have plunged the country into financial crisis.
But an unexpected recent rebound by the ruble has partially reversed months of pain for the nosediving national currency and fired hope among harried officials in Moscow that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Few analysts were betting on a bounce after the ruble lost over 40 percent of its value in 2014 and carried on the slump into this year.

WNU Editor: For the short term ..... I am not one of those who sees better times in Russia. There are a number of problems, and sanctions are not helping. But for the long term .... definitely .... I am optimistic on Russia's future because of its enormous resource base and the fact that it's younger generation .... Russia's future ..... have a far stronger desire to be a part of the West than my generation or Putin's.

Hmmm ... this is interesting .... 10 Charts That Explain Russia (Forbes)

More News On Russia

Now might be the time to buy Russia. Yes, really. -- CNN
Russian Bonds Drop With Oil as Company Tax Payments Boost Ruble -- Bloomberg
Russia's rich forego some luxuries but still back Putin -- Reuters
Russia Borderline Desperate For Chinese Money -- Forbes
Cabbage in Russia Costs 66% More Than Three Months Ago -- Moscow Times
Nemtsov colleagues try to continue investigation – but face wall of silence -- The Guardian
Boris Nemtsov murder: Authorities identify 'mastermind' behind killing -- IBTimes
The mysterious Moscow 'hit list' shadowing Russian politics -- Mashable
Why the Jihadi Threat to Russia Is Getting Worse -- Bloomberg
Russian Officials Cite 'IS Threat' As Justification For Heightened Security -- Radio Free Europe
Russia Joins China's Asian Infrastructure Bank, But Doubts Its Power Against IMF -- Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes
Russia continues Asian pivot -- UPI
US sanctions against Russia: A tale of two cities -- Dominic Basulto, RBTH
Expats in Russia: No longer a boom - but not all doom and gloom -- Bryan MacDonald, special to RBTH
Is Russia back in the game? -- CNBC
An Interview with Anna Nemtsova About Being a Russian Journalist -- Global Voices
Most Russians see their country as great power – poll -- RT
Will Russia Ever Have Free Elections? -- Fyodor Krasheninnikov, Moscow Times

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