Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

U.S. To Increase The Sending Of 'Non-Lethal' Arms To The Ukraine Military

New York Times: U.S. to Give Ukraine’s Military an Additional $75 Million in Nonlethal Aid

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Wednesday that it would provide another $75 million in nonlethal aid to Ukraine’s military. It also imposed sanctions against a handful of pro-Russian separatists and others blamed for fomenting the civil war that has torn apart Ukraine’s eastern regions.

The new aid does not include the weapons that Ukraine has sought and that many administration officials and members of both parties in Congress have urged President Obama to provide. Instead, the United States will send more radios, first-aid kits, surveillance drones, countermortar radar systems and military ambulances. Mr. Obama also agreed to send 30 armored Humvees and 300 unarmored Humvees.

WNU Editor: Some in Washington are not happy with this policy .... John Boehner rips Obama’s military aid to Ukraine as weak (Washington Times).

More News On The U.S. Sending 'Non-Lethal' Arms To The Ukraine Military

U.S. to send Humvees and unarmed drones to Ukraine — but still no weapons -- Washington Post
White House WON'T rule out sending lethal weapons to Ukraine but limits itself to money and drones for now as Putin's Russia continues military onslaught -- Daily Mail
US to send Ukraine small drones and armoured Humvees -- The Guardian
US sending $75 million, Humvees, non-lethal aid to Ukraine -- CNN
U.S. blacklists more Ukrainian rebels, expands non-lethal aid -- Reuters
US to send more drones, Humvees to Ukraine -- RT
US Sending Drones and Armored Humvees to Ukraine -- Sputnik

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