Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

The Middle East Is In Chaos

Michael Crowley, Politico: Obama's Mideast 'free fall'

Mounting chaos in the region puts the administration on the defensive.

Barack Obama faces a slew of Middle East crises that some call the worst in a generation, as new chaos from Yemen to Iraq — along with deteriorating U.S.-Israeli relations — is confounding the president’s efforts to stabilize the region and strike a nuclear deal with Iran.

The meltdown has Obama officials defending their management of a region that some call impossible to control, even as critics say U.S. policies there are partly to blame for the spreading anarchy.

“If there’s one lesson this administration has learned, from President Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech through the Arab Spring, it’s that when it comes to this region, nothing happens in a linear way — and precious little is actually about us, which is a hard reality to accept,” said a senior State Department official.

WNU Editor: When the staunchly pro-Obama Politico sees a problem for the administration ... you know that there is a problem. And the scary part of this story is the realization that the situation in the Middle East is not going to get any better .... in fact .... it is descending into even greater chaos. As for the Iranian nuclear deal that will probably be announced in the few days .... the Politico still believes that it will be game-changer in the region .... my take is that it will now all but guarantee a nuclear arms race with all of the dangers that are inherent in such a push. Any bets on who is going to be right?

Update: This is hilarious .... The New York Times sees the entire situation as puzzling .... A Policy Puzzle of US Goals and Alliances in the Middle East (New York Times)

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