Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Tensions Rise Between The White House And Israel On The Eve Of Netanyahu's Congressional Speech

Stephen Collinson, CNN: Obama and Netanyahu: A clash of world views, not just personalities

Washington (CNN)The disconnect between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is about a lot more than bad personal chemistry.

Their relationship, which will be played out in all its dysfunctional glory during Netanyahu's visit to Washington this week, founders on a deep ideological divide and a sharply conflicting world view.

More News On The Rise Of Tensions Between Israel And The U.S. On The Eve Of Netanyahu's Congressional Speech

White House and Netanyahu Are Set to Make Dueling Cases in Washington -- NYT
Tensions flare as Netanyahu prepares to make his case against Iran deal -- FOX News
Day before Netanyahu's speech, Kerry warns against revealing details of Iran nuclear talks -- Haaretz/AP
Ahead of Netanyahu speech, Kerry warns against revealing details of Iran nuke talks -- YNet News
With hard feelings all around, White House set to rebut Netanyahu -- CNN
Netanyahu Congress speech a moment of high stakes -- Kevin Connolly, BBC
The Netanyahu speech controversy, explained -- Zack Beauchamp, VOX

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