Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Russian Jets And Ships Are Using NATO Ships In The Black Sea For Practicing Attack Scenarios

USS Vicksburg (Photo from wikipedia.org)

Eurasianet.org: Russia Says It's Probing Defenses Of NATO Ships In Black Sea

A six-ship NATO naval group is conducting joint exercises in the Black Sea, and the Russian military is taking advantage of the event to carry out war games of a sort.

The NATO group is led by an American admiral aboard the USS Vicksburg, and also includes warships from Canada, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Turkey. The training "will include simulated anti-air and anti-submarine warfare exercises, as well as simulated small boat attacks and basic ship handling manoeuvres," according to a release from NATO.

WNU Editor: With each passing day .... memories of the Cold War are coming back .... NATO lashes out at 'revisionist' Russia, Moscow blasts West for creating new 'divisive lines' (FOX News/AP).

More News On NATO vs. Russian War Games In The Black Sea

Russia’s newest Su-30 multirole jets and Su-24 bombers practiced attack runs on NATO warships in the Black Sea -- Aviationist
Russian Jets Penetrate NATO Ships' Air Defenses in Black Sea -- Sputnik
Tension in Black Sea as Russian jets monitor joint NATO naval exercise -- BGN News
NATO Begins War Games in Black Sea -- Telesur
6 NATO ships to stage war games in Black Sea -- RT
NATO Ships Enter Black Sea to 'Reassure Alllies' -- Moscow Times/Reuters
Russia-NATO Brimming War: Warfare Exercises A Coincidence? -- Morning News USA

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