Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 2, 2015

RT: NATO rolls out 'Russian threat' in budget battle

NATO member-states unwilling or unable to help boost the military spending are being accused of ignoring the “Russian threat,” that has re-emerged as the core of the alliance’s agenda to boost arms sales.

A report saying one of major NATO funding contributors, the UK, could fail to fulfil the commitment to spend 2 percent of its GDP on the alliance in 2015 came as a bombshell for some of the West’s military elite.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 2, 2015

Odierno warns cuts to UK defense spending could hurt cooperation -- Stars and Stripes

UPDATE: Russia's hybrid war in Ukraine 'is working'
-- IHS Jane's 360

Russian Forces Carry Out Live Fire Drills With S-400 -- Sputnik

Armor: More Russian Hummers -- Strategy Page

Fourth-generation submarines: backbone of the Russian Navy's strategic nuclear deterrent -- ITAR-TASS

Russian Navy to receive new aircraft carrier — Navy Commander -- ITAR-TASS

Is Turkey withdrawing from NATO? -- Hurriyet Daily News

Israeli military holds surprise West Bank drill -- Reuters

Israeli military calls up 3,000 reservists for 'surprise' training exercise in the West Bank -- FOX News/AP

Israel Lobbies for More Missile Defense Funds Than Obama Sought -- Bloomberg

South Korea, US kick off annual military exercises -- CCTV

Joint Military Exercises Between US And South Korea Not Likely To Affect North Korea Denuclearizing Efforts -- IBTimes

India Increases Military Budget By 11% to Nearly $40 Billion -- WSJ

India's Submarine Fleet Faces Further Delays -- Franz-Stefan Gady, The Diplomat

Leadership: Japan Responds To The Chinese Threat -- Strategy Page

Photos: Chinese Guizhou JL-9 production line -- Alert 5

China’s Air Force Sets Up in High Schools to Train Teen Top Guns -- Bloomberg

Afghan army takes on Taliban in first solo offensive -- AP

U.S. military helps Afghan National Police recruit, train women -- Washington Times

UN report: Libya's flow of weapons needs tighter controls -- AP

Argentine technical mission to China to assess the purchase of jet fighters -- Merco Press

Navy submarines: first time Canadian fleet is operational -- CBC

‘Torturing terror suspects produces useful intelligence’ – ex-MI6 director -- RT

US Plans to Send 300 Military Personnel to Train Ukrainian Soldiers -- Sputnik

Thornberry’s Defense Budget Exceeds Pentagon’s Request by $16 Billion -- DoD Buzz

STRATCOM chief: New bomber is integral for deterrence -- Air Force Times

Pentagon Launches Electronic Warfare Study: Growler Line At Stake -- Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Breaking Defense

Warplanes: Reality Intervenes To Save The A-10 -- Strategy Page

DARPA Touts Deep-Web Search in Hunt for ISIS -- Defense Tech

Video: Pentagon Wants F-15 Jets Launching Satellites into Orbit -- Defense Tech

Navy judge named in Guantanamo discrimination complaint lifts no-touch order to female guards -- Stars and Stripes/Miami Herald (Tribune News Service)

U.S. suspects accused of sending military supplies to terrorists in Syria, Iraq -- CNN

Veterans, active duty military, tap social media network for support -- FOX News

Military Retirement: Too Sweet a Deal? -- Tim Kane, War On The Rocks

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