Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Low Intensity Warfare To Become The Norm In Eastern Ukraine?

Newly mobilized Ukrainian paratroopers stand next to a self-propelled howitzer during a military drill near Zhytomyr March 6, 2015. Credit: Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko

Reuters: Rebel sniper kills Ukrainian serviceman despite ceasefire: military

(Reuters) - One Ukrainian serviceman has been killed and three wounded as a result of fighting in separatist eastern territories in the past 24 hours despite a ceasefire deal, Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said on Sunday.

Attacks have fallen significantly in the past two weeks, but accusations of continued violence on both sides show the fragility of the peace accord agreed in Minsk last month, which calls for the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the frontline.

"There is increased activity of sniper groups. The serviceman who was killed died at the hands of a sniper," Lysenko said in a televised briefing.

WNU Editor: Snipers, IEDs, small attacks, etc. .... I predict that this "low-intensity warfare" is going to be the norm in the predominately Russian parts of Luhansk and Donest that are presently under the control of the Ukraine military. This is why a political settlement is vitally important to stop the violence ....  absent that .... expect a body-bag or two being returned to Kiev with each passing day.

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