The military buildup on Nanji was first disclosed by Japan’s Kyodo News Service last month. Kyodo, quoting Chinese sources, said a landing strip was being built.
Zachary Keck, National Interest: Confirmed: China Is Building a Military Base Near Japan
Update #1: Photos Show China Military Buildup on Island Near Senkakus -- Washington Free Beacon
Update #2: Imagery shows heliport on China's Nanji Islands -- IHS Jane's 360
WNU Editor: There are a number of coastal Chinese military bases in Fujian province facing Taiwan (I should know I visited one as a guest in the mid 1980s) .... but this new base is closer to the disputed islands and farther away from Taiwan. This is alos China's way of planning for the long term and indicating to the Japanese that they expect this dispute to intensify over time.
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