Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

China Announces That Its Next Military Parade Will Be To 'Frighten' Japan

Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat: China's Military Parade: A Warning to Japan and the US

China’s military parade is not only meant to “intimidate” Japan — it’s a signal to the U.S. as well.

WNU Editor: I suspect that the Chinese will not only successfully frighten Japan .... but they will also frighten everyone else .... including some in the U.S..

More News On China Announcing That Its Next Military Parade Will Be To 'Frighten' Japan

China to hold first military parade dedicated to WWII victory -- Xinhuanet
China plans military parade -- Global Times
Report: China To Hold Military Parade To 'Frighten Japan' -- Defense News/AFP
China will hold huge parade to ‘frighten Japan’ -- The Asian Times/AFP/PYI/Reuters
Preparations for Xi's first military parade underway in Beijing -- Want China Times
China media: Military might -- BBC
China blasted for taking ‘bullying approach’ towards Japan with military parade -- South China Morning Post

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