Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Secret Tapes Reveal A Senior Democrat And Top Pentagon Officials Were Against Then Sec. of State Clinton's Rush To War In Libya

Washington Times: Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war

Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar Gadhafi regime

WNU Editor: This is an explosive account on U.S. involvement to the run-up in Libya's civil war .... and while no one else is reporting on this story, I suspect that in the next few days others will pick up on this story .... and will raise even more questions. As to the Washington Times post itself ... it is a long read .... but it is well worth it .... and it shows how U.S. foreign policy was conducted during the run-up to Libya's civil war, and to the eventual ousting and killing of Gadhafi.I have a strong feeling that if this report is true .... and so far it appears to be the case .... there are many in the White House, Hillary Clinton supporters, and in the Pentagon who are not going to be happy with all of this disclosure.

Update: In retrospect .... this now makes sense ....

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