Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

The Fall Of Kobane Is A Policy Defeat For Turkey

Turkish soldiers stand guard near Mursitpinar border crossing as smoke rises in the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 3, 2014.Credit: REUTERS/Murad Sezer

Amberin Zaman, US News and World Report: Kurdish Victory in Kobani Defeat for Turkish Policy

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressly ruled out the northern Iraq model for Syria's Kurds.

Update #1: Erdogan “Will Not Accept” Autonomous Syrian Kurdistan -- BasNews
Update #2: US congratulates Kurds over Kobane as Turkey slams celebrations -- Rudaw

My Comment: Turkey - Kurd relations have always been difficult at best .... and in this case I suspect that the defeat of the Islamic State in Kobane was a surprise for Turkish leaders and for their strategy in Syria.What they (Turkey) will do next is predictable .... they will close the border to Kurdish fighters, and they are going to make sure that no fighters and materials will be sent to reinforce Kurdish forces to expand the fight beyond Kobane.

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