Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

African Union Endorses A 7,500 Regional Force To Confront Boko Haram

L.A. Times: African Union backs regional force to confront Boko Haram

WNU Editor: I am not optimistic that this force will make a dent against Boko Haram. Peter Dorrie sums it up best .... The African Union Readies an Army to Fight Boko Haram: Don’t count on success (War Is Boring).

More News On The African Union Endorsing A 7,500 Regional Force To Confront Boko Haram

Nigeria Welcomes Regional Force to Fight Boko Haram -- Deutsche Welle
African Union calls for 7,500-strong force to fight Boko Haram -- Ahram Online/AFP
AU Endorses 7,500 Troops to Fight Boko Haram -- VOA
Africa seeks Boko Haram fighting force as Chad captures town -- Chicago Tribune/Bloomberg
African Union endorses regional force to fight Boko Haram -- UPI
UN Chief Welcomes African Union's Focus on Boko Haram Threat -- Sputnik

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