Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 29, 2015

General Raymond Odierno (Army), Admiral Jonathan Greenert (Navy), General Mark Welsh (Air Force), and General Joseph Dunford (Marines) warned a Senate panel Wednesday of the dangers they see if their services' budgets are cut. Gary Cameron / Reuters

Mark Thompson, Time: Military Chiefs ‘Prep the Battlefield’ for Biggest Pentagon Budget Request Ever

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 29, 2015

Military chiefs push to end sequestration, warn of combat danger -- Washington Times

Service chiefs: Defense spending caps will undercut troop morale -- Stars and Stripes

Iran Targets Netanyahu Children for Assassination -- Washington Free Beacon

Jerusalem Post: New details emerge: At least 5 Kornet missiles fired in Hezbollah ambush of IDF soldiers

Hezbollah Brigades convoy video shows American M1 Abrams tank -- Washington Times

UK fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers -- RT

Russia Says Air Force Flight Near UK Complies With International Law -- Sputnik

The Russian Air Force's future: fifth generation stealth fighter -- ITAR-TASS

Russia’s Sarmat 100-ton ballistic missile may be test launched in 2016-2017 — source -- ITAR-TASS

Moscow Calls on Bosnia and Herzegovina Not to Deliver Weaponry to Kiev -- Sputnik

Poroshenko Promises More Money to Kiev Soldiers Amid Draft Evasion -- Sputnik

India to buy 22 attack, 15 heavy-lift copters -- The Hindu

Airbus Helicopters says military deals to boost 2015 orders -- Reuters

No bulls-eye: Playful shark halts China military exercise -- RT

President Xi stresses diplomacy by military exchanges -- Xinhuanet

Pentagon Pauses New Exchanges With China -- WSJ

Pentagon: US may lose high-tech military superiority to China, Russia -- RT

U.S. would welcome Japan air patrols in South China Sea -- The Star/Reuters

The US Military Had One Hell of a Time Getting Gear Out of Afghanistan -- Gizmodo

No longer needed, Navy frigates being sold or dismantled -- Stars and Stripes/Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, Wash.

Spy panel shakeup will add focus on cyber, CIA -- The Hill

'Iron Man' Suit Opens Doors to New Tech -- Defense News

Fighter pilot who flew jet over Berkeley was giving nod to brother at Cal; Navy is investigating -- Berkley Side

Pentagon: Jordan ISIS swap not the same as Bergdahl -- The Hill

The U.S. Coast Guard Needs Lots More Ships: Nearly twice as many—but extra money is unlikely -- Matt Keane, War Is Boring

Ash Carter tells senators he’s unlikely to keep Obama promise to close Gitmo -- Washington Times

Obama bids farewell to Hagel -- The Hill

Obama: Hagel is 'A True American Patriot' -- Defense News

Security contractor David Berry, killed in Libya, leaves a legacy of U.S. military service -- Washington Post

The Irrelevance of Traditional Warfare? -- David Barno and Nora Bensahel, War On The Rocks

State of Disunion: America’s Lack of Strategy is its Own Greatest Threat -- Chris Miller, Cicero Magazine

Drones: Military game changer? -- NBC

Military says Washington state marijuana shops 'off-limits' to troops -- Reuters

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