Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Islamic State Murders Japanese Journalist Goto

Daily Mail: 'We have an entire army thirsty for your blood': ISIS releases new video appearing to show Jihadi John beheading second Japanese hostage

* Kenji Goto threatened with beheading in ISIS video released last Saturday
* Terror group was trying to exchange Goto for bomber Sajida al-Rishawi
* In new video fighter tells camera 'we have an entire army thirsty for blood'
* Mr Goto's body is then shown lying on desert floor in rocky gorge
* President Barack Obama has led global condemnation of apparent slaying
* Says US stands in solidarity with Japan against 'barbaric and heinous act'

More News On The Murder Of Japanese Journalist Goto By The Islamic State

Japan outraged at IS 'beheading' of hostage Kenji Goto -- BBC
Japan Mourns Goto as Caring and Courageous Reporter -- NYT/AP
Japan wakes up to bad news about Kenji Goto -- BBC
New video purportedly shows beheading of Japanese journalist by ISIS -- FOX News
‘Inhumane & contemptible’: ISIS beheads Japanese hostage Goto -- RT
Video of Japanese Journalist's Execution Appears to Be Genuine -- Sputnik
Isil militants behead second Japanese hostage -- ITAR-TASS
World leaders condemns IS beheading of Japanese journalist Goto -- Deutsche Welle
Japan outraged at IS 'beheading' of hostage Kenji Goto -- BBC
Islamic State hostage Kenji Goto mourned by family and friends -- Japan Times
Kenji Goto's mother mourns after Isis beheads her son sending shockwaves across Japan -- IBTimes

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