Kamis, 20 November 2014

Viral Video Shows The Ukrainian Army Using Drones In A Combat Zone

Viral Video Shows Ukrainian Soldier Launching Drone In Combat Zone -- Washington Post

A new viral video appears to depict a Ukrainian soldier hurling a small drone aircraft into the air, providing a glimpse into how Kiev’s soldiers are using low-grade military technology against Russian-backed separatists.

The footage has gone viral after being posted to YouTube on Monday and appears to show the drone under gunfire after it takes off. It isn’t clear what kind of aircraft it is, but the video shows the drone buzzing over fields riddled with craters and what looks like an airfield, likely Donetsk Airport.

The airfield has been the site of fierce fighting for weeks. It has been shelled repeatedly in recent days as separatists and Ukrainian troops fight to gain control of the area. The airfield itself is considered strategically important.

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My Comment: The "combat zone" looks like Donetsk Airport .... and the damage/destruction looks extensive.

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