Kamis, 06 November 2014

The Growing Conflict Between The Islamic State Vs. The Taliban For The Hearts And Minds Of Foreign Jihadists

Mullah Omar, Afghan Taliban; Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State. Insite Blog

ISIS vs. the Taliban: The Battle for Hearts and Minds -- Sami Yousafzai & Sam Seibert, Vocativ

As America and the West continue their fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Taliban is trying to prevent its rank and file from joining the jihadi group

The letter sounds like run-of-the-mill trash talk—until you consider who allegedly wrote it: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the most notorious jihadi alive.

This past summer, shortly after declaring himself “caliph” of the self-styled Islamic State (ISIS), Baghdadi sent a message to his former overlord, Al Qaeda head Ayman al-Zawahiri. Nearly six months had passed since Zawahiri booted Baghdadi and his foot soldiers out of the terror network for their brutality and refusal to follow orders. Now the ISIS leader was on the rise and getting his revenge.

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My Comment: I can see the foreign fighters going over to the Islamic State. IS has the momentum, the territory, the resources, and a perception of being the future for radical Islam. The Taliban will always have their base of support from the locals who support them .... but for foreigners .... the action right now is in Syria and Iraq.

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