Senin, 17 November 2014

The EU Is Looking For A New Russian Strategy

EU Foreign Ministers Seek New Russia Strategy -- Deutsche Welle

The EU isn't interested in tougher sanctions against Moscow, but in fresh talks - while Kyiv is expected to launch reforms to move the country closer to the European Union.

Whoever imagined that, following the heated words directed at Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, the EU foreign ministers would strike a harsher tone on Ukraine were mistaken.

On the contrary - at the start of the meeting in Brussels, Europe's new chief diplomat Federica Mogherini was content to signal a multi-pronged approach. A debate on sanctions is on the agenda, but so is the question of how to revive the dialogue with the government in Moscow. The EU gathering is the first ministers' meeting headed by the Italian foreign affairs chief.

Expectations of Mogherini are high in the wake of her predecessor Catherine Ashton, widely regarded as weak.

Read more ....

Update #1: European leaders fear growth of Russian influence abroad -- The Guardian
Update #2: Angela Merkel warns Russia could seek to destabilise 'whole of the European peaceful order' -- The Telegraph

My Comment: The EU has little if any options to confront Russia  .... and on top of all of that ... they are deeply divided on what to do next amongst themselves. Dependent on Russian energy .... and faced with a government in Moscow that has made it very clear that it will protect Ukraine separatists from defeat .... there is no political will within the EU to bring this conflict to the next level. It is also revealing that the U.S. has been left out of these discussions .... from my vantage point it looks like the EU has decided to refrain from following Washington's demand for more tougher action .... as far as they are concerned .... this U.S. plan is a non-starter. So what we have left are talks and a need for a new strategy .... and my prediction is that a few months from now .... we will still be hearing from the EU the need for new talks and a new strategy.

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