Jumat, 07 November 2014

Remembering A Time When U.S. - Russian Relations Were Positive

WNU Editor: This is an excerpt from the book .... "A Portrait Of My Father" by George W. Bush.

President No. 43 tells the tale of Putin's 2007 visit to the elder Bush's compound in Maine.

"During my presidency, Dad and I didn’t talk much about policy. He understood better than anyone that the President is surrounded by experts with in-depth information about the key issues. If I had asked for his advice on a policy matter, he would have said, 'Send your briefers so that I know what I’m talking about.' He knew that I had plenty of outside opinions. As the father of the President, he could provide something different: the love and support I needed to handle the pressure of the job.

"One area that interested Dad was my relations with foreign leaders. Throughout his career, he had been a master of personal diplomacy — of getting to know people and earning their trust. I had witnessed how effective his approach had been. I held hundreds of face-to-face meetings (and made many more phone calls) with my key counterparts around the world. I invited fellow world leaders not only to the White House but also to Camp David, our ranch in Crawford, and Walker’s Point.

"In early 2007, I called Dad and asked him if he would invite President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Walker’s Point. I felt that it would be a perfect place to discuss the missile defense systems that we were planning to build in Poland and the Czech Republic.

"Dad was thrilled about the idea. 'Just let me know what you need, son,' he said.

"When Putin arrived on July 1, 2007, Dad met his plane at the airport in New Hampshire and accompanied him on the helicopter ride to Walker’s Point. Then he took both of us for a speedboat ride. Although initially startled by the idea of an eighty-three-year-old former President driving the boat at top speed, Putin loved the ride. (His interpreter looked like he was about to fly out the back of the boat.) The next morning, we had a long conversation about missile defenses, in which we found some common ground. We then went fishing. Fittingly, Putin was the only one who caught anything."

Hat Tip: Drudge Report

My Comment: Those days are gone. :(

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